

I would like to draw your attention to an upcoming professional development opportunity focused on access and inclusion in Geoscience courses.  This course is being offered at NO COST to participants.


To be presented at the 34th International Geoscience Congress in Brisbane, Australia, and again at the 2012 Geological Society of America annual meeting in Charlotte, NC, USA.  More details on the GSA short course will come soon.

34th International Geoscience Congress, Brisbane, Australia

Workshop #30:  Instructional Approaches to Access, Accommodation, and Inclusion for Students with Disabilities in the Geosciences

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

Organizers:  International Advisory for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD) and the International Union of Geological Science Commission on Geoscience Education (IUGS - COGE)

Instructors:  Chris Atchison, Georgia State University; Brett Gilley, University of British Columbia; Gina Ceylan, University of Missouri


This course is designed to instruct current geoscience faculty and graduate teaching assistants to apply the principles of universal design to their own lessons, labs, and field trips in order to accommodate students with physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities. The presentation of this course will include student instructors who will discuss first-hand perspectives of negotiating the rigor of a geoscience curriculum while managing their disabilities.


Key topics will include: accommodation in the geosciences; the physical barriers to access and inclusion; and the personal and social challenges that students may face away from the classroom. 


Again, there is NO COST for participants to attend this one-day workshop, and the materials and resources you will receive will be very valuable to accommodating students with disabilities in your classes. 


For registration and additional information, please visit:  http://www.34igc.org/workshops.php






Christopher L. Atchison

Assistant Professor

Director, International Advisory for Geoscience Diversity

Department of Geosciences

Georgia State University

