International Business Journal
(Revista de Negocios Internacionales)
ISSN: 2027-2340
The Revista de Negocios Internacionales is an Open Journal indexed in the OJS, and Google Scholar. It is available free of charge in online format at:
The Revista de Negocios Internacionales aim is to contribute to the production of new knowledge in the academic community interested in international business in Latin America, both in terms of the development of theory and its application to the progress of international business both as a discipline and a profession.
This journal publishes the work of researchers at various stages of development as well the scientific production of local and international academic networks. The subject areas dealt with in this biannual are: international business, international negotiation, international relations, international business management, international business research, international trade and development, international trade and climate change, international negotiation, interculturalism, international migration, emerging countries, and emerging multinationals
The Revista de Negocios Internacionales publishes articles both in English and Spanish. All articles submitted for assessment the Editorial Committee and peer reviewers must be previously unpublished and must not have been published, either wholly or in part, in any other academic or professional journal.
The Editorial review board will submit all articles received which comply with the requirements of the Revista de Negocios Internacionales style guide for anonymous assessment by at least two peer reviewers. The peer reviewers will make recommendations to the Editorial Committee with regard to the academic rigor, suitability for the journal and quality of the articles received. Where necessary they will make suggestions for changes to authors.
The Editorial review board will then decide to whether or not to publish the article concerned and, where necessary, forward to the author the changes recommended by the peer reviewers. The receipt of an article implies neither a commitment to publish it nor a specific period of time for its assessment.
The opinions and judgments expressed in the articles published are the responsibility of their authors and not those of the Revista de Negocios Internacionales, Universidad EAFIT or Colombian society. Authors who choose to write in the English language are responsible for its appropriateness and are recommended to make use of the services of a professional academic proof reader.
Contact details:
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (PhD). International Business Department. Universidad EAFIT. Colombia. Email: [log in to unmask] Teléphone: (+57 4)2619500 ext. 9431