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The Center for Leadership at Florida International University
announces the
Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Outstanding Dissertation Award
in partnership with the Network of Leadership Scholars
The Center for Leadership (CFL) at Florida International University is pleased to sponsor the Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Outstanding Dissertation Award in partnership with the Network of Leadership Scholars (NLS). This award honors an individual whose dissertation makes an outstanding contribution to the field of leadership. The recipient of the award will receive a $3,000 cash prize, be honored at the Network of Leadership Scholars meeting at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, and be supported to deliver an invited presentation at Florida International University as part of the CFL Leadership Lecture Series.
Criteria for Submissions
To be considered for this award:
§ The paper must be based on a doctoral dissertation completed within the past two years.
§ The student must be first author and will be the recipient of the award.
To be considered outstanding, the paper should:
§ Make an interesting contribution to advancing new ideas or new frameworks of thinking in the field of leadership.
§ Strongly incorporate relevant theoretical and empirical literature.
§ Demonstrate appropriate analysis and interpretation of the research results.
§ Offer interesting (and warranted) inferences regarding the theoretical and applied implications of the findings and suggest promising directions for future research.
§ Logically, succinctly, and clearly present the ideas.
The following guidelines will be used to ensure consistent submissions by candidates:
§ All documents submitted (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in Portable Document Format (.PDF).
§ The maximum length is 20 pages inclusive of title page, abstract, and text. Tables, figures, appendices, and references are excluded from this count.
§ Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines provided in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
§ To facilitate the blind review process, the name of the candidate, institutional affiliation, current mailing address, and phone number should only appear on the title page.
§ The candidate must provide a letter from his or her dissertation chair endorsing the submission. This letter should also specify the date of acceptance of the dissertation by the graduate school and that the submission adequately represents the completed dissertation.
§ The candidate must submit a copy of his/her curriculum vitae (CV).
§ Candidates should submit all materials online at: by April 30, 2012. Do not submit the dissertation. The winner will be notified by June 30, 2012.
In the absence of a paper deemed deserving of the award, the award may be withheld.
For more information about this award, please visit or email Shannon Hanson at [log in to unmask].
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