

The 5th Israel Strategy Conference

Tel Aviv University, Israel

December 19-21, 2012


Submission Deadline: June 15, 2012



In a continuous effort to develop a thriving
international community of strategic management
scholars and promote the field of strategic
management in Israel, we are proud to announce the
5th Israel Strategy Conference (ISC2012) to be
held at Tel Aviv University, in Tel Aviv, Israel,
on December 19-21, 2012. The tentative program
features several prominent keynote speakers
including: Sydney Finkelstein (Dartmouth), Henrich
Greve (INSEAD), Dan Levinthal (University of
Pennsylvania), and Will Mitchell (University of
Toronto). ISC2012, sponsored by Tel Aviv
University, will offer a unique opportunity to
present innovative ideas and explore recent
developments and emerging issues in strategic
management, as well as receive feedback on
work-in-progress, and network with colleagues. The
conference will also include a doctoral
consortium, on December 21, 2012, for which a
separate announcement will follow.



ISC2012 Call for Papers


We invite individuals who engage in strategic
management research to submit paper proposals for
possible presentation at the conference.


Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

A.	Strategy formulation and implementation 
B.	Strategic planning and decision processes
C.	Managing risk and uncertainty 
D.	Strategic control and reward systems 
E.	Resource development and allocation 
F.	Knowledge management
G.	Internationalization and multinational
H.	Strategic alliances and networks  
I.	Diversification and portfolio strategies 
J.	Competitive strategy 
K.	Corporate venturing and entrepreneurship 
L.	Corporate governance

Submission guidelines


ISC will consider unpublished original paper
proposals relating to the above topics of
interest. International and global perspectives
are encouraged. Proposals can be conceptual or
empirical, quantitative or qualitative. Published
papers or papers that were accepted for
publication prior to the submission deadline will
not be considered for the conference. We seek to
accept a relatively small number of high-quality
papers that target top tier academic journals.
Submitted papers will go through a double blind
review by a panel of several reviewers.
Submissions will be evaluated based on their
academic rigor, relevance, and contribution to the
field of strategic management. Accepted proposals
will be assigned to paper sessions or interactive
sessions based on this evaluation. 

The deadline for online submissions of paper
proposals is June 15th, 2012. 


Paper proposals, written in English, should
clearly identify the research questions and
methodology. If available, the main results,
implications, and contributions should also be
briefly discussed. Paper proposals are limited to
2 pages of text and 1 additional page of
references. Use double spacing with 1-inch margins
all around and a font size no smaller than 11 pt.
The title of your paper must be included in the
header of the proposal and should exactly match
the title provided in the online submission form.
Please do not include any author identifying
information in the proposal. To submit the paper
proposal, upload your proposal in a Word or PDF
file format to the Submissions Section of the ISC
website at:  <> where additional guidelines
will be provided. As part of the submission
process you will be required to enter your contact
details and affiliation, list your co-authors, and
select a topic category that best applies to your
paper. Presenting authors must be available to
present their papers any time during the
conference. There will be no changes in the
program to accommodate specific time preferences.
If the presenting author cannot be available
during December 19-21, please don’t submit a
proposal. An author may be designated as the
presenter of only one paper, but can be listed as
a co-author of up to 3 papers. 


The Submission Section of the ISC website will
open in April, 2012 and will be available until
June 15, 2012. Notices to authors will be sent in
August, 2012, indicating whether the proposed
paper has been selected for inclusion in the
conference program, and whether it has been
accepted to a paper session or an interactive
session. Authors of accepted papers will be
required to submit a short abstract and the
full-length paper (for paper sessions) by November
1st, 2012. Presenting authors must register to the
conference by September 1st, 2012. The conference
program, with a detailed schedule of sessions and
events will be released in November 2012. 

ISC Best Paper Award


Select paper proposals which receive the highest
assessment in the review process will be nominated
as finalists for the ISC Best Paper Award. The
finalists will be asked to submit a full paper for
an additional blind-review process by a
distinguished panel. The selected winner(s) of the
Fiegenbaum Best Paper Award will receive a plaque
and a $1,000 cash prize. The winning paper will be
announced in the concluding session of ISC.


Conference format


The conference will start on the morning of
December 19th. Papers will be assigned to various
session formats based on common themes, scheduled
on December 19-20, 2012. Each author whose paper
is accepted for presentation in a paper session
will be given 15 minutes to present the paper.
Following the presentations, designated
discussants who have carefully read the papers
will present their main comments and provide
suggestions for improving the papers and getting
them ready for publication. Discussants will also
offer an integration of the papers presented in
their sessions, which will be followed by
questions from and general discussion by the
audience. In addition, the conference will feature
themed interactive sessions which will offer
authors the opportunity to interactively present
their papers and discuss them with the audience.
The conference will also feature keynote speeches
and special sessions to be noted in the conference


Doctoral Consortium

ISC will be holding its annual Doctoral Consortium
on Friday, December 21st, 2012 from 8AM to 2PM.
The coordinators of the consortium are Gary
Dushnitsky (LBS) and Gino Cattani (NYU). Faculty
facilitators include: Sydney Finkelstein
(Dartmouth), Henrich Greve (INSEAD), Zur Shapira
(NYU), Ezra Zukerman (MIT), and others TBA. The
ISC Doctoral Consortium is most valuable to Ph.D.
candidates interested in conducting leading-edge
research and teaching in Strategy and related
areas.  The consortium will address key issues in
academic life such as current and future themes in
strategy, thesis development, and getting
published in top journals, among other issues.

Doctoral students in the proposal/dissertation
stage will have the opportunity to present their
research, and receive feedback, in a thesis
development workshop. Doctoral students who do not
wish to present their research are still invited
to apply to the doctoral consortium; however,
preference will be given to more advanced
students. The application deadline for students
wishing to present their work is July 1st, 2012.
The application deadline for students wishing to
attend without presentation is November 1st, 2012.
Only electronic applications will be considered.
For further information about the consortium, and
to apply, please visit the consortium website at:
n:home/sub:Consortium> Doctoral Consortium


Students attending the doctoral consortium must
register to the Israel Strategy Conference.
Student discount rates apply. An additional 50%
discount will be offered to students presenting at
the Thesis Development Workshop. For further
questions, please contact Gary Dushnitsky at
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] or Gino Cattani at
[log in to unmask] 


Conference location and accommodation


ISC2012 will be held at Tel Aviv University, in
Tel Aviv. Two conference hotels will offer special
rates to attendees. Complimentary transportation
will be available between these hotels and Tel
Aviv University. 


1. Shalom Hotel & Relax Tel Aviv, 216 Hayarkon St.
Tel Aviv; Tel: +972-3-5425555,    Fax:
+972-3-7608920, Webpage:


2. Tal Hotel Tel Aviv, 287 Hayarkon St. Tel Aviv;
Tel: +972-3-5425555,
Fax: +972-3-7608920, Webpage:


Special rates will be available to registered
attendees until November 11, 2012. Availability is
limited, so you are advised to reserve your room
early. Hotel reservation forms and additional
information will be available on the ISC website
in April. 


ISC is a family friendly conference!


The timing before Christmas, combined with
Israel’s warm weather and tourist attractions, is
perfect for bringing your family to Israel. To
make the conference more enjoyable to all
involved, ISC will offer excursions to family
members during the conference. These excursions
will be offered at net cost and require advance


Conference registration


Registration to the conference will open on August
2012. Attendees are advised to register early.
Please visit the ISC website to register:
Payment instructions will be posted on this


The conference registration fee is as follows:

Early registration fee:
NIS 500 (approximately €100/$135)

Early registration fee for students:
NIS 400           

Late registration fee:
NIS 600

Late registration fee for students:
NIS 500                                   


Early registration fee is accepted by November
1st, 2012. Late registration fee will be
applicable after November 1st, 2012 and on-site.
Attendees are nevertheless advised to register
online by November 1st. Students must present
valid student ID upon admission to the conference.
Additional fees apply for those registering to the
social events and family trips. 


Conference co-organizers


Barak Aharonson (Tel Aviv University) –
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Niron Hashai (Hebrew University) –
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Dovev Lavie (Technion) –
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Amir Sasson (BI, Norwegian Business School) –
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Advisory committee


Gary Dushnitsky (London Business School) –
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Shmuel Ellis (Tel Aviv University) –
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Zur Shapira (New York University) –
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Ithai Stern (Northwestern University) –
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Gabriel Szulanski (INSEAD) –
[log in to unmask] 



For additional information, visit the ISC website
at  <> or contact one of the
conference co-organizers at
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]


We look forward to seeing you in Tel Aviv, Israel!




Niron Hashai, 

Jerusalem School of Business Administration 

The Hebrew University 

Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905 Israel

Tel: +972-(0)2-5883110

Fax: +972-(0)2-5881341

Mobile: +972-(0)52-3550067

e-mail:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask]


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