Call for Papers


Hong Kong, August 15 – 17, 2012


Organized by:

Department of Economics and Finance, City University of Hong Kong


Co-organized by:

The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM)



City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Background and Conference Topic:

The Emerging Markets Risk Management Conference 2012 promotes research and publication on emerging market economies and provides a platform for academics, policy-makers and professional risk executives to exchange views and share new information and development. 


The Department of Economics and Finance, in collaboration with The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM), will organize the Emerging Markets Risk Management Conference 2012 in Hong Kong.  Papers in all areas of risk management (see below) are welcome.


Macroeconomic Risk and Banking Systems

                    The risk of banks in emerging markets

                    Liquidity risk of banks

                    Contagion effects of systemic risk

                    Banking regulation in emerging economies

                    Stress testing on banking systems

                    International financial institutions in emerging markets

                    Counterparty risk

                    Deposit insurance

                    Credit ratings regulation

                    Central banking in emerging economies

                    Modeling financial instability

                    Measuring asset bubbles

                    Stress testing methodologies

                    Predicting sovereign risk

                    Offshore currencies in emerging markets  


Enterprise Risk Management

                    Assets valuation under uncertainty

                    Corporate governance

                    International trade and risk management

                    Hedging enterprise risk

                    Treasury management and liquidity crisis

                    Value maximization in volatile markets

                    Capital structure and credit ratings fundamentals

                    Corporate liquidity management

                    Management accounting and risk management

                    Internal auditing and risk management

                    Accounting manipulation and financial frauds

                    Fraud detection and internal control

                    Corporate treasury management

                    Insurance company management     


Publication Opportunities:

Selected papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in the special issues of

                    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

                    Pacific Economic Review


Conference website:


For enquiries

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