AIB Newsletter
Volume 18 (2012), Issue 1 of the AIB Newsletter is now available online. Please visit section of our website to access the new issue. The Q1 Newsletter issue includes information regarding the AIB 2012 Program Update; 2012-2014 Executive Board Election Results; AIB 2012 Meeting Venue and Lodging; 2012 Travel Discounts; WAIB Helping Hands Awards; Adopt-a-Library; AIB Foundation; Institutional Members; Just off the Press; Members on the Move; New AIB Members. This newsletter is in the process of being mailed out to our members.
AIB Insights
Volume 12 (2012), Issue 1 of the AIB Insights is now available online. Please visit section of our website to access the new issue. The Q1 Insights issue includes the articles: "Teaching and Learning Global Marketing Using the Web" by Basil J. Janavaras; "Reductionism in an International Entrepreneurship Game" by Precha Thavikulwat;
"Tools: SWOT in International Business Revisited” by Marilyn M. Helms.
Best Regards,
Academy of International Business
Michigan State University
7 Eppley Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1121
Phone: (517) 432-1452
Fax: (517) 432-1009