Call for Papers
Shanghai Conference on Chinese Firms Going Global—from the Perspectives of International Trade, FDI and International Management
Submission deadline: 25 May, 2012
Registration deadline: 15 June, 2012
Conference dates: 30 June-1 July, 2012
Venue: Institute of International Business of Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, China
Conference co-organizers:
Institute of Asia Pacific Studies of Grant MacEwan University, Canada
Institute of International Business of Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, China
Shanghai Association of International Trade, China
Conference sponsors:
Asia Pacific and Globalization Review, Grant MacEwan University, Canada
International Business Research, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, China
Conference Overview
The world economy in the 21st century is showing a stronger and irreversible trend of globalization. China has found its economy playing an increasingly important role in the world. Chinese enterprises are becoming more integrated into the world economic system, improving the world economic structure and upgrading the quality of global economic growth. They are also faced up with the issue of formulating and implementing strategies of internationalization and active participation in the process of globalization, which is worthy of special attention from the academia. As part of the research endeavors of the academics, the Institute of Asia Pacific Studies of Grant MacEwan University and Shanghai Association of International Trade, in association with the journals of International Business Research published by Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade and Asia Pacific and Globalization Review published by Grant MacEwan University, is going to organize a conference on “Chinese Firms Going Global—from the Perspectives of International Trade, FDI and International Management”.
Issues for discussion at the conference include, but not limited to, (1) main modes, strategies and experience of foreign trade of Chinese firms, (2) the status and advance of Chinese firms in the world industrial chains, (3) FDI, outward acquisition and mergers by Chinese firms, (4) theories, strategies, modes and features of the growth of Chinese firms, (5) empirical and case studies of the development of successful Chinese firms, (6) the international context for the globalization of Chinese firms, (7) government support for the globalization of Chinese firms, (8) marketing management of Chinese firms going global, (9) legal risks and control in the outward FDI of Chinese firms, and (10) other issues related to the conference topic.
International scholars from economics, law, accounting, management, international business and other related disciplines are invited to submit papers either in English or Chinese on the above-said issues. The Conference will be held at Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Shanghai, China.
Submission and Review
Two PDF files, either in English or Chinese, a title page with authors' information and an anonymous copy of abstract or full paper, should be sent to William Wei and Xiaobai Jin at [log in to unmask], cc [log in to unmask] before 25 May, 2012. We will select some papers, after expert review, for publication in the journals of Asia Pacific and Globalization Review (English articles) or International Business Research (Chinese articles). Those authors who have submitted only abstracts are encouraged to submit their papers at or before the conference, or at the end of August 2012 if they wish to have their papers considered (NOT guaranteed) for publication in the journals. In your submissions, please indicate whether you would like your paper to be considered for the above-said journals. There is no submission fee. By submitting a paper, authors are certifying that the submission is original, unpublished work and, for submissions that are to be considered for the journals, and that they are not simultaneously under consideration elsewhere.
Notification regarding acceptance to the Conference will be sent to the authors by
For further information about the conference and submission, please contact William Wei, Institute of Asia Pacific Studies of Grant MacEwan University, [log in to unmask] and Xiaobai Jin, Institute of International Business of Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, at [log in to unmask] or visit the website: and