Call for papers:
The Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED) is presenting its
4th Research Symposium in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), Curtin Business School and other partners:
Theme: 'Doing Well by Doing Good: New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Inclusive Capitalism"
Dates: July 9-11, 2012; Location: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), India.
Submission Deadlines: Proposals & final papers: April 30, 2012
Selected papers will be published in a peer reviewed book of readings by Routledge publications
Suggested topic areas:
1. Macro-economic Challenges & Regulatory Agenda
2. Changing Facets of Corporate Social Responsibility
3. BOP Initiatives
4. Inclusive Capitalism & Entrepreneurship
5. Managing Public Sector: Can Government Be Run Like4 Business?
6. ICT: A Catalyst to Promote Transparency & Empowerment of People
7. Environmental Issues, Greening the Supply Chain & Sustainability
Pl. review the brochure for more details by clicking on the following link: