Hi -I'm working my way through all of the notes and ideas, thinking about next steps, and picking off some of the easy ones.
I sent the diversity team recommendations for the rubric to everyone and will follow up with David Steer and Ellen.
I had a nice exchange with Solomon B., worked on getting him some people for his career fair, and sent info on including HBCUs in the teacher prep piece to Anne. I also sent a note responding to his message to everyone, since that seemed important and appropriate.
I sent a short note to John about the importance of integrating geoscience into STEM for diversity. Laura, I think you could expand on this to the whole group in a summary of your groups discussions. Mostly my note to John was about people for the workshop planning team: Jim, Solomon and Bob.
I sent a note to Mark Maier thanking him for all the help with getting the announcements out to the 2YCs and indicating that the way to move his module ideas forward was to attend the July workshop.
I've twice prompted Tim B re how to involve NCA&T and Fort Valley on his teams.
I've asked Carol to do profiles of the existing programs at HBCUs for the Building Strong Geoscience Departments site building on Solomon's suggestion.
Ellen and I interacted with Elaine to get a diversity person identified for the assessment team; she also has a 2YC person identified.
Sent note to materials development people about interests in module development
Sent info on program to Jim's chemists and their names to John Taber
sent Chris's site to the leadership team
Elizabeth sent a great follow up note to her folks. Laura, can you do this too. Her note is below.
I'm thinking the next steps are
1) to have a call about program implementations and other big next steps - can we schedule this for Thursday or Friday of this coming week? I'll ask Linda to see what is possible for the three of us
2) to get summaries to the leadership team. I think we could send them three things -- the notes I put together, and a reflective piece from each of you regarding the priorities of your groups and their advice. I think it is important that each of you gets to tell them what you heard from your specific groups and what you make of it in your own voice. I think this should be relatively high level so that it gives guidance to the project --- we can get the details of who wants to do what out to individuals leading those efforts. My piece can be cast as a summary of the whole meeting that was discussed and endorsed by the whole group.
3)to write up what the advisory boards are going to be and do -- I think that they should be parallel. The model where they give informal advice by email through the year and meet annually virtually after the evaluation is summarized for the year and before the advisory board meeting to review the years activities and provide recommendations would work well. Each needs a charge. I need to make sure I know what/when will be coming in annually from evaluation. It would be worthwhile to think about the composition of these boards - we should fill any gaps in membership that were identified at the planning meetings. Can you guys take the next step in writing this all up?
4) figure out a plan for graduate student involvement and discuss with Jill and Peter -- this is on my plate
In addition to the implementation programs suggested at the workshop, we have the ideas in Solomon's note, and the suggestion from Anne regarding some sort of summer course that is cotaught by faculty from multiple institutions for credit at multiple institutions. Her ideas were informed by this program
http://www.unr.edu/geothermal/NGA.htmShe thought we might do one on petroleum resources in the SE and that we might be able to get an industry sponsor.
Enough for a Saturday morning! I thnk I'm caught up with this for the moment. Hope to talk with you on Thursday/Friday and hear from you sooner :).
Elizabeth's note
Hello Everyone,
It is hard to believe that we were all in El Paso only one short week ago. If you are like me you are probably back in your regular routine and looking forward to a long weekend, memories of Gorditas slowly fading away.
I want to thank all of you for attending and participating in the planning meeting. It was great to finally put faces to names that have been on my e-mail list for months. There were a lot of great ideas that came out of our discussions and I am grateful that I can continue to have exchanges with all of you. Many thanks to Josh who led a great fieldtrip on Saturday. I returned with about 15 pounds of hand samples...only because I used an incredible amount of self-control (I wanted more!).
Cathy sent you an e-mail yesterday regarding the upcoming workshops and module development opportunities. I want to echo her encouragement to participate and/or spread the word to others about these opportunities. The deadline for the module development applications is about a month away, and the best way to ensure that 2YC are represented is to have 2YC faculty involved in development.
Near the end of our meeting, as many of you will recall, we formulated some plans for an implementation program to test modules at some of our 2YC institutions. Cathy, Laura, and I will be discussing this option and others and I will let you know soon what plan of action we decide to take. For now I think it is best to focus on recruiting/participating in the workshops and module teams.
Thank you again for your participation, and you will hear from me again soon.
Cathryn A. Manduca
Director, Science Education Resource Center
Executive Director, National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Carleton College
1 N College Street
Northfield MN 55057
507 222 7096