The Advances in Ecopolitics Series with Emerald Group Publishing: Call for Book Chapter Contributors: International Business, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Scope and Aims of the Book Chapters: Proposed Title: “International Business, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Principles and strategies to balance ethical, social and environmental concerns with the needs of a firm.” Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a catchphrase, possibly because it means different things to different people, it serves many political and marketing purpose, and because the concept itself of CSR is unclear, ambiguous, multidimensional and changing. Multinational enterprises (MNEs), which by definition operate and are managed across national jurisdictions, are increasingly powerful and not always accountable entities. This power and lack of accountability is reflected both at international and national levels. In order to attract and maintain Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) nations have to create favourable conditions for foreign corporations. This conflict between FDI and national sovereignty may weaken national governments and limit their regulatory actions at both the national and transnational level, explaining the shift from nation-state regulation towards alternative forms of regulation. These alternative forms rely heavily on voluntary initiatives by the MNEs which are implemented and monitored by the civil society and MNEs themselves. Since the 1990s’ globalisation has been a growing concern on socially responsible MNEs, and CSR and corporate governance have became top priorities for businesses. In today’s global economy, it can be observed a decreasing tolerance of poor working condition and environmental degradation. This book offers an understanding and contextualising the implication of a firm’s behaviour to its social stakeholders, shareholders and the environment at the international level. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: · Political, cultural and social responsibility issues at the firm level · Sustainability and international business · Multinational enterprises (MNEs) at the local and international environment · Challenges for MNEs operating in emerging countries · MNEs and poverty alleviation · CSR and the bottom of the pyramid · MNEs and national sovereignty · International Business ethics and global risk · International business and the illegal economies · IB, corruption and bribery · IB and criminal organisations · Public- Private and Business-Community partnerships · Dimensions of concept of CSR · Corporate Philanthropy · Limitations of market based approaches · Investment and CSR · Climate change and international business · Corporate Diplomacy · Role of corporations in shaping global business policy. · Corporate Governance (CG) within the framework of International Business. · Corporate Citizenship · Global Compact and IB · Social Responsibility Networks . Cause Marketing & Ethical Promotion Important dates: · Submission deadline for chapter proposals (title and 300-500 words abstract): March 12th 2012 · Notification of acceptance/rejection of chapter proposals: March 30th 2012 · Deadline for full chapter: 1st of August 2012 · Notification of acceptance/rejection of chapter proposals: 30th of August 2012 · Deadline for submission of final chapters: 1st of October 2012 Accepted chapters will be compiled in a book, which will be published by Emerald Group Publishing within the Advances in Ecopolitics series. Book Editors: Dr. Liam Leonard, Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland ([log in to unmask]) Prof. Dr. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia ([log in to unmask] ) Prof. Dr, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (Ph.D) Jefe del departamento de Negocios Internacionales Universidad EAFIT Colombia Correo: [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.