Venue: Loughborough University, UK
Call for papers
Background: Global capitalism is again facing a popular backlash in advanced countries, focused upon the disparities between the ‘1 per cent’ – largely associated with the finance sector – and the rest of the Global population. Yet there is still little consensus about the effects of globalisation upon income distribution – either within countries or between countries.
Rising inequality in the Anglo-Saxon countries, and increasing unemployment in continental Europe, led to a political backlash against global trade in the 1990s. However, traditional analyses, based upon the neoclassical model of the global economy, failed to find a link to trade with developing countries, since traded commodity prices did not seem to be shifting. In addition, inequality was also rising within many developing countries, which was contrary to the simple version of the Stolper-Samuelson theorem.
More recent analyses, based upon intra- and inter-firm trade, outsourcing and networking, have suggested that these early conclusions may have been premature. It is argued that many effects initially attributed to technological progress may, in fact, reflect selective outsourcing of certain labour-intensive processes. In addition, global financial liberalisation has led to strong shifts in costs of, access to and returns to finance in different parts of the World, whose effects on inequalities have not fully been explored. The role of the finance sector – both in terms of its extreme concentrations of income on the highest earners, and in terms of its alleged failure to support development among poorer groups – is at the heart of current debate.
Call for papers on the themes of:
North-North capital market integration and tax/subsidy competition.
North-South capital market integration.
Different labour market institutions and responses to global shifts.
Labour market effects of outsourcing and FDI.
Degree of competition and income distribution.
Finance and access to education in North and South.
Access to finance as a driver to FDI.
Appropriate policy responses.
Papers on other related themes will also be considered.
Keynote speakers: Confirmed
Rodney Falvey, Bond University, Australia.
Carl Davidson, Michigan State University, USA.
Udo Kreickemeier, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Ray Riezman, University of Iowa, USA.
Submission of papers
To submit papers visit
Deadline for extended abstracts. 24 February 2012. (EXTENDED)
Authors of accepted papers to be informed by 9 March 2012.
Registration, payment and submission of full paper by 23 March 2012.
Conference fee £130. Conference dinner an extra £30.
It is intended to submit a selection of papers to a journal special issue.