Apologies for cross postings. * * *International * *Conference Series 2012* * * *Consumer Behavior and Marketing: New Approaches in Consumer Research and Prospects* * * *Organized by* *Taylor Business School (TBS), Malaysia, and Mahidol University’s Consumer Life-Course Studies Group (CLSG), Thailand* *in* *Kuala Lumpur**, Malaysia*** *September 24-25, 2012* *Conference Objectives * The TBS-CLSG International Conference is intended to bring together researchers in consumer behavior and marketing to share their research findings, ideas and approaches to research, receive informal feedback and contribute to the development of knowledge in consumer behavior. The conference creates opportunities to learn from experts in the field, network with other researchers from other countries, and collaborate on future projects. The conference organizing team is proud to present two prominent keynote speakers, Professor George P. Moschis and Professor Russell Belk who will share with you new approaches in consumer research. *Call for Papers* * * We invite abstracts, extended abstracts, and papers in any of the following areas: · Consumer behavior in emerging markets · Marketing strategies in response to global socio-demographic and technological changes · Green marketing and sustainability · Research methodology issues and new approaches in consumer behavior research · Developments in social sciences, such as the emergence of the life course approach, that could help address consumer research issues · The digital era and marketing communications · Research findings and issues related to social media and marketing · Emergent concepts and theories in marketing and consumer research, such as marketing to the aging population, consumer well-being, and transformative consumer research * * All manuscripts must be typed, double spaced with 2.5cm or one-inch margins using 12 point Times New Roman font. Manuscripts should not exceed 5 pages for extended abstract or 20 pages for full papers. All manuscripts must be submitted via e-mail to the conference chair at the following addresses: [log in to unmask] Submissions will be subjected to a double-blind review process. The conference will allow authors to decide whether to publish an abstract or the full paper in the Conference Proceedings. Upon acceptance, at least one author will present the paper and will register as a participant at the conference. *DEADLINES:*** *Submission of Extended Abstract: May 30, 2012 * *Notification of Acceptance: Within four weeks of submission* *Submission of Final Paper: July 31, 2012 * *Early Bird Registration: August 15, 2012* * * * * Regards, Goh SK, Senior Lecturer Taylors University, Malaysia email: [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.