

Global Business & Organizational Excellence: A Call for Papers


Global Business & Organizational Excellence (GBOE) is published six times a year. It provides its readers with detailed case studies and practical guidance on strategies and techniques that can be used to enhance business performance and competitive position. It has a strong practitioner focus and many of its articles are based on mature initiatives that have already clearly demonstrated their effectiveness. Its readers consist mainly of executives and senior managers in business and government, academics and consultants.


GBOE is issuing a call for papers for the following types of articles:


·         Articles that present the results of practical, applied academic research on topics related to international business that are written in a form suitable for a broad audience that includes practitioners as well as academics.


·         Articles on organizations (business, government, or not-for-profit) written by practicing managers or consultants that provide current, real-life examples of the ways in which their organizations have achieved excellence.


We encourage authors to use a straightforward writing style and to include concrete examples, anecdotes, and direct quotations to help bring the story to life and make it accessible to a non-specialist audience.


Author guidelines and further information can be found at:


Articles should be submitted to Mary Ann Castronovo Fusco, Editor-in-Chief, [log in to unmask] or Chris Kimble, Senior Academic Editor, [log in to unmask]


Chris Kimble

Associate Professor of Management Information Systems and Strategy

Tél. +33 (0)4 91 82 79 87 – Fax. +33 (0)4 91 82 79 83

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Personal web site:


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