

Greetings Colleagues,****

The *Management and Organization Review* editorial team is pleased share a
special forum on Research and Publishing Ethics. While *MOR* is dedicated
to advancing global knowledge on international and cross-cultural
management, with particular emphasis on Chinese organizations, this issue
is relevant for all management scholars and researchers, as it deals with
many ambiguous situations involved in ethical research and publishing
practices.We hope that you will enjoy reading this interesting collection
of articles and will share it with your students and colleagues.****

-The *MOR* Editorial Team

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[image: Management and Organization






*Hot off the Press!**
Get the Latest Chinese Management Research from MOR*****






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*Special Issue on Publishing
有关出版物道德规范的特刊 <#13535643f8d968d7_13534d3009dd7151_special_issue>*****

[image: bullet]****

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开始你的免费试用! <#13535643f8d968d7_13534d3009dd7151_free_trial>*****

[image: bullet]****

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MOR的永久访问权限 <#13535643f8d968d7_13534d3009dd7151_access>*****






*About **MOR** **关于**MOR*****






**[image: Management and Organization


*Management and Organization
* (*MOR*) is the official journal of The International Association for
Chinese Management

First published in 2005, the journal is already ISI listed, with an impact
factor of *2.806*, and a readership that spans over 3,000 research

*MOR* is dedicated to advancing global knowledge on international and
cross-cultural management, with particular emphasis on Chinese
organizations. ****






*Special Issue on Publishing Ethics **有关出版物道德规范的特刊*****



*You can read **MOR**'s special issue on Publishing Ethics FREE online.
Simply click the link below, and start reading!*****


*Publishing Ethics, Volume 7, Issue


This special issue on Publishing Ethics examines the many situations in the
research and publication process which have unclear ethical implications.
We bring together eight thought-provoking articles, a fascinating
commentary by Richard T. Mowday, and an informative introduction from guest
editors Maureen Ambrose and Marshall Schminke.

As part of our ongoing effort to provide research ethics education to the
Chinese management community, every paper in this issue is published in
both English and Chinese.

We hope that you enjoy reading this exciting new research!****


*Start Your FREE Trial Now! **开始你的免费试用!*****


You may have been missing out on some of the latest research in Chinese and
cross-cultural management, so we are delighted to offer you a FREE 30 day
trial to all content from *MOR*! ****


*Simply follow these 4 easy steps:*****

*Step 1:*****

Log on to Wiley Online Library with your email and password. If you haven't
registered yet, you can do this at<>

*Step 2:*****

Go to the 'Trial Access' page on your profile at<>

*Step 3:*****

Enter your case-sensitive trial access code: *MOR30DAY*****

*Step 4:*****

Start reading the latest research in Chinese and cross-cultural management
- absolutely FREE!****

* *

*Get Permanent Access to **MOR** **获得**MOR**的永久访问权限*****


Don't forget, you could get permanent access to all of *MOR*'s content,
simply by recommending the journal to your librarian!****


*Recommend MOR to your Librarian


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