Ninth Annual JIBS Paper Development Workshop
Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Washington DC, USA
Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Ninth Annual Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS)Paper Development Workshop (PDW) will be held in Washington, DC from 9:00 am to
3:00 pm on Saturday, June 30, 2012, as part of the pre-conference program for
the Academy of International Business (AIB) annual meetings. The PDW is themost extensive of the various JIBS outreach activities conducted by the JIBS
editorial team. Organized by Petra Christmann (Rutgers University), the PDWinvolves most of the JIBS editors and many board members, and is
sponsored by the AIB, South Carolina CIBER and Rutgers Business School.
The purpose of the PDW is to provide junior scholars with developmental
feedback on their current research projects in international business studies.
While we hope that many of these papers will be eventually submitted to JIBS,
the purpose of the PDW is broader: to improve the quality of IB research and
bring new scholars into the IB field. We invite original papers from junior
faculty members who have not previously published in JIBS. In
particular, we hope to attract papers from scholars (1) who are located in
universities in emerging economies or in universities that offer limited
support for international business research, or (2) who are trained in
disciplines less commonly associated with the field (e.g. human geography,
political science, ethnography, or economic history) but interested in
conducting international business research.
The PDW will be structured to provide feedback to authors with research
papers, and to researchers who are designing empirical studies, on
international business topics. Last year, participants received feedback ontheir work from about 25 JIBS editors and members of the Consulting
Editors Board (CEB) and Editorial Review Board (ERB). The program will start
with an introductory session led by the JIBS editorial team and JIBS authors. The participants will then
divide into two groups. Authors of research papers will be paired with
CEB and ERB guest editors for two-on-two discussions where two guest editors
will provide feedback to two authors on improving their paper. At the same
time, authors with research ideas will meet with CEB and ERB guest editors in a
small-group setting where two editors will provide feedback to five authors on
their research paper ideas. After a lunch break, all participants will split
into small-group sessions with JIBS
editors to discuss successful publication strategies.
Participation at the PDW is limited. Participants will be invited based on
the quality of their submitted work. We are expecting two types of submissions,
research papers and paper ideas. Papers and ideas should
be submitted through the JIBS Workshop Submission System located at
. The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2012. Research papers must
be less than 10,000 words in length, and follow the JIBS Style Guide (
Paper ideas must be no more than 3,000 words in length and include a
theoretical framework, propositions, and proposed research design.
Participants will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions no
later than March 10, 2012 and will need to confirm their participation
in the PDW by March 31, 2012.
address any questions to: Pallavi Shukla, JIBS
Editorial Assistant ( [log in to unmask] ; +1 973-353-5181) or Petra
Christmann ([log in to unmask] ).
PetraChristmann John
JIBS PDW Organizer Editor-in-Chief
Rutgers University Journal of International Business Studies
Rutgers University