Call for Papers: Special Issue


Internationalization during Times of Changing Markets

Journal of International Marketing


Internationalization is a process of firm expansion into new markets. Although a great deal of work has been engaged to enhance our understanding of firm internationalization, the importance of marketing and marketing related topics are often overlooked, thus leaving international marketing scholars and practitioners with an incomplete understanding of the marketing side of this important issue. As such, the purpose of this special issue is to focus our attention on the importance of marketing and marketing related topics associated with internationalization and its process. It is hoped through this special issue, greater theoretical and methodological understanding can be gained pertaining to the marketing aspects of internationalization.


Manuscripts may be conceptual or empirical. All manuscripts should work to make a substantive contribution to the international marketing literature as well as the practice of international marketing.

Topics could include, but are not limited to:


·   New theoretical foundations for understanding internationalization

·   A marketing perspective for the measurement of internationalization

·   Internationalization as a means to address the base-of-the pyramid

·   Internationalization’s relationship with sustainability

·   Corporate social responsibility during internationalization

·   Global market segmentation and internationalization

·   Forward and backward internationalization: Entering and leaving markets

·   Internationalization and market opportunity analysis

·   Managing marketing knowledge during internationalization

·   Managing cross-market knowledge flows during internationalization

·   Contingent market factors influencing internationalization effectiveness

·   Internationalization efforts of emerging market firms

·   The role of culture during internationalization

·   Market orientation’s role in internationalization efforts

·   The role of marketing managers in firm internationalization

·   The marketing side of the born global vs. internationalization discussion

·   Social media and internationalization

·   Behavioral decision theory and market opportunity assessment for internationalization

·   Organizational theory and internationalization efforts

·   Institutional theory’s role in explaining internationalization

·   Cross-disciplinary interfaces with marketing during internationalization

·   Branding challenges during internationalization

·   The relationship of product diffusion and internationalization

·   Internationalization and new product development: Extending existing products or creating new products


Deadline for Submission: February 10, 2012.


Guidelines for the Journal of International Marketing can be found at:


Manuscripts should be submitted at:


All manuscripts will be entered into the review process beginning February 11, 2012.


Questions pertaining to the Special Issue should be direct to:


Dr. David A. Griffith

Editor, Journal of International Marketing

The John W. Byington Endowed Chair in Global Marketing

Professor of Marketing

Department of Marketing

The Eli Broad College of Business

Michigan State University

N370 North Business Complex

East Lansing, MI 48824-1122, USA

Tel: 517.432.6429

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