Dear All,
Please note the final call for papers for the AIB UK and Ireland chapter conference hosted by The University of Liverpool Management School, the extended deadline for papers is the 23rd January 2012, please
find information below and full information online at
Kind Regards,
Events Team
University of Liverpool Management School
New Global Developments and the Changing Geography of International Business
The world economic order has changed markedly over recent years, epitomised by the rapid growth of China, on course to soon become the largest economy in the world and exerting increasing influence through its overseas
ventures. Likewise, the spatial organization of international business has witnessed profound shifts, such as the rise of the “global factory” and the fine-slicing of where value is added in production and distribution and which parts are internalised, the
accelerating international dispersion of R&D activity by multinational enterprises, the growing importance of emerging economies as both locations for and sources of FDI and the phenomenon of rapidly internationalising new ventures. As governments in developed
economies generally struggle with the aftermath of the financial crisis and burgeoning fiscal deficits, greater reliance is being placed on emerging economies as motors of the global economy. The emergence of the “Arab Spring” may have profound, yet uncertain,
effects on prospects for international business in that region. Taking stock of this shifting geography will be a key theme of the Liverpool conference.
Theoretical and empirical papers which advance understanding of these themes are very welcome, as are those which address any topic relevant to international business.
A key theme of the conference is the changing geography of international business and in connection with this the conference will be exploring through keynote speeches and conference tracks the interface between International
Business and Economic Geography. In support of this there will be a dedicated special track chaired jointly by local organiser Gary Cook and Prof. Jon. Beaverstock, Professor of Economic Geography at the University of Nottingham. In addition the conference
will run with participation by the Economic Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society.
Submission opens mid-November. Deadline for paper submission for the main conference is
Monday 23rd January 2012 and for the Doctoral Colloquium it is 9th February 2012. Detail on how to submit is available
There are several prizes awarded at the conference:
To these established prizes, two new prizes will be awarded at the 2012 conference:
Registration is open from 1st October 2011 until the 15th March 2012. Register before the 1st March to take advantage of the lower fee. More detail is available
here. Please note that all delegates need to be a member of the AIB at the time of the conference either as part of current membership or by initiating a new one. This costs £65 and is valid for one year. You can obtain this membership via the
registration page on the website, paying online or by requesting an invoice.
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Ram Mudambi, Fox School of Business,
Temple University, is a foremost authority on the geography of innovation and author of many key works on this and other aspects if International Business. Ram will speak on New Economic Directions in Economic Geography and IB.
Prof. Henry Yeung, National University of Singapore, is one of the world’s leading economic geographers, whose work on the geography of MNEs, Chinese business networks
and international operations of Asian firms spans the fields of Economic Geography and International Business. Henry will speak on Global Production Networks.
The Conference will incorporate, as usual, a Doctoral Colloquium where PhD students at all stages of their doctoral research can gain high quality feedback on their work from experienced IB researchers. We strongly encourage
and welcome submissions from doctoral students. The deadline for submissions is 6 February 2012.
Papers will be organised into tracks based on the themes of accepted submissions. Examples of recent themes have included:
Proposals for special tracks and panel sessions are welcome and should be sent to
[log in to unmask]. Special tracks proposed to date include:
The conference will be hosted at the University of Liverpool Management School, with a
gala dinner at the beautiful Anglican Cathedral on Friday 30th March with a special performance by saxophonist Snake Davis.