There is an interesting discussion going on on some of you might be interested in relating to plagiarism, national and organisational culture, and academic and administration ethics:

Group: Academy of International Business (AIB)


Last post:

Donald: I taught undergraduate and graduate business courses at two US large midwest public universities for 24 years and found that plagiarism has become more prevalent and more acceptable to faculty mainly because of lack of support to penalize students, and, in fact, punishment to faculty who tried to enforce 'rules' re: plagiarism. One Business College Dean basically forbid faculty members from checking undergraduate papers because it would make it too difficult for students to achieve high grades.

Romie Frederick Littrell, BA, MBA, PhD, FIAIR
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
IV. 1st stanza, War is Kind and Other Lines, Stephen Crane, 1899
A little ink more or less!
It surely can't matter?
Even the sky and the opulent sea,
The plains and the hills, aloof,
Hear the uproar of all these books.
But it is only a little ink more or less.
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