Dear Colleagues,
Please note that the next issue of the European Journal of International Management is now online (the print edition, as usual, will be released in about 2 weeks):  
European Journal of International Management (EJIM)
Volume 6 – Issue 1 – 2012
 Table of Contents
Knowledge Flows, Learning and Development in an International Context
Guest Editors: Dr Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, Charmi Patel and Professor Pawan Budhwar
Title and authors
Editorial: Knowledge flows, learning and development in an international context
Nicholas Theodorakopoulos; Charmi Patel; Pawan Budhwar
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2012.044754
Cross-cultural training for Dutch expatriates going to India
Simone J. Van Zolingen; Caroline Essers; Lisan Vermeer
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2012.044755
Inpatriation in a globalising MNC: knowledge exchange and translation of corporate culture
Martine Cardel Gertsen; Anne-Marie Søderberg
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2012.044756
The e-mentoring of expatriates: mapping existing research domains and new opportunities
Jonathan Elkin; Virginia Cathro; Graham Elkin
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2012.044757
Expatriate categorisation and evaluation: an empirical investigation in Poland and India
Arup Varma; Jacek P. Grodzicki; Shaun Pichler; Shannon Kupferer; Aarti Ramaswami
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2012.044758
The relationship between transformational leadership and innovative behaviour in a healthcare context: a team learning versus a cohesion perspective
Karin Sanders; Helen Shipton
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2012.044759
Devolvement of HRM and perceived performance within multinational corporations (MNCs)
Maura Sheehan
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2012.044760
Leadership Insight
by Nancy J. Adler
Reviewed by Ariane Berthoin Antal
Here you can access the abstracts of articles published in this issue.  If the hyperlink does not work, please try the following: ( or go to ( and proceed to the current issue.
Best wishes,
Prof. Vlad Vaiman, PhD
Executive Editor, EJIM
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