December 11, 2011
Please post this. Would like AIB-L readers to see it before they go on their Christmas break. Feel free to modify it as necessary. Please contact me at [log in to unmask] for more information. Thanks, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. – Donald Hendon, 1-702-346-5436 Pacific time zone
Co-author wanted:
Would you be interested co-authoring a book (or series of books) on international business with a unique difference? I’ve been gathering info from audiences at my “How You Can Negotiate and Win” seminar for more than 30 years. I’ve given it and other seminars in 36 nations on 6 continents, so I have a data base of tens of thousands of people.
What kind of info? Much more specific than Geert Hofstede’s general guidelines in his five cultural dimensions—power distance, masculinity, etc. Participants in my 2-day seminars—about 75% business and professional executives, 25% government employees—pick their favorite negotiating tactics from my list of 365 tactics in a series of exercises dealing with 11 specific negotiating situations, both business and personal. (Examples: Buyers get sellers to lower their price. Sellers get buyers to pay more. Get out of a traffic ticket.) I’ve broken down the data by nation and other variables—demographic and psychographic. There are major differences.
If we write a series of short books, titles will be “How to Negotiate with Mexicans.” “How to Negotiate with Thais.” “How to Negotiate with Australians.” Etc.
Focus groups I’ve conducted in 5 nations (US, Australia, Philippines, Brazil, and Taiwan) indicate business executives are more interested in a short book (ideally 30,000 words) dealing with a specific nationality rather than a long book (60,000 to 80,000 words) dealing with many nationalities. These executives are also interested in attending seminars and being coached on these topics by the authors of these books. This has been the main focus of my consulting and coaching activities for many years.
Please contact me at [log in to unmask] Or at 1-702-346-5436 Pacific time. I’m a retired marketing professor in Mesquite, Nevada, near Las Vegas. I spend my time writing books, giving seminars and talks, coaching, and consulting—mostly in the Asia-Pacific region. (I have a house in Manila, Philippines, and live there 6 months every year.)
Thanks, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Donald W. Hendon (Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin)