AIB-LAT Conference 2012
Internationalization, Innovation and Sustainability of MNCs in Latin America
Miami, Florida - April 20-21, 2012
Dear AIB Members,
We would like to invite you to submit your work to our next AIB Latin America (AIB-LAT) Conference, to take place in Miami, Florida on April 20-21, 2012. A copy of the second call for papers can be found in the attached PDF file.



Abstract Submission: We invite abstracts describing papers or panels that you intend to present at the AIB-LAT Annual Meeting in 2012. Paper presentation abstracts should be between 500 and 800 words. For paper abstracts, please do not include personal identifying information in the abstract. This information (e.g., name of author(s), email address, institution, mailing address, etc.) will be entered separately in the paper review system. All paper abstracts will be subject to a double blind peer review process.


The abstract submission for panel presentations should include the following: title of the panel, names of panelists, institutions, a 500-800 word abstract describing the overall panel objective(s), and a 500-800 word abstract for each paper or presentation included in the symposium. Panel proposals will be subject to a single blind peer review process since a portion of the decision process will relate to the qualifications of the panelists.


Submissions can be sent through the submission system at the following address:




Abstract submission: November 30, 2011

Abstract acceptance: December 15, 2011

Full paper submission: January 28, 2012

Full paper acceptance: February 20, 2012


AIB-LAT Best Paper Awards:


The 10 best conference papers will be considered for publication: The two best manuscripts will be considered for publication in INNOVAR (SSCI Indexed) during 2012, and the remaining 8 manuscripts will be considered for publication in a Latin American AIB book series.

We would also like to invite you to sign up as a reviewer for the conference at:
For up-to-date information about the conference, submission instructions, an online copy of the call for papers, information about the scientific committee and a call for reviewers, please check the AIB-LAT chapter website at

Kind regards,

Leonardo Liberman, Conference Chair
William Newburry, Scientific Chair
AIB-LAT Conference 2012
AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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