Dear Colleagues,
Please note that the next issue of the European Journal of International Management is now online (the print edition, as usual, will be released in about 2 weeks):  
European Journal of International Management (EJIM)
Volume 5 - Issue 6 – 2011
Table of Contents
Title and authors
Reconciling pressures for integration and autonomy within multinational corporations: an examination of personnel policies and practices
Jason Ryan; Patrick Gibbons
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2011.042732
The organisational learning culture and organisational performance in Macedonian companies
Miha Škerlavaj; Vlado Dimovski; Matej Cerne; Ljubomir Kekenovski; Dragan Tevdovski; Marija Trpkova
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2011.042733
Determining factors in the success of strategic alliances: an empirical study performed in Portuguese firms
Mário Franco
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2011.042734
On the adaptation of the firm’s strategies to the international business environment: a knowledge-based and evolutionary perspective
Manuel Portugal Ferreira; Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra; Nuno Rosa Reis
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2011.042735
Edited by: Professor Charles M. Vance
The role of total factor productivity in China’s economic growth
Zhu Sun; Michael Troilo

DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2011.042736
Reviewed by Harry H. Domicone
Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help
by Edgar H. Schein
Here you can access the abstracts of articles published in this issue.  If the hyperlink does not work, please try the following: ( or go to ( and proceed to the current issue.
Best wishes,
Prof. Vlad Vaiman, PhD
Executive Editor, EJIM
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