
Could you please post the following call for papers to the AIB-L.  Thanks in advance.


Supply Chain Forum:

an International Journal

Call for Papers

Managing the Human Resources in the Supply Chain

Submission deadline: January 7, 2012

The supply chain function in organizations has evolved significantly in recent decades as a

result of globalization and technological changes and has become very complex. Neither the

Supply Chain literature nor the Human Resource Management literature has kept sufficient

pace with these changes. Although recent work in the SCM/HRM overlap has focused on

topics such as new job types for the 21st century supply chain, and buyer influence and

knowledge transfer in the HR domain to vendors in the supply chain, the literature still needs

to go much further in this regard.

This special issue focuses on the entire set of HR practices geared specially towards the

supply chain to better understand its unique characteristics and the role it plays in broader

organizational success and competitive advantage.

The supply chain environment is characterized by a global spread in which communications

and interactions are increasingly take place through technology interfaces. It is said that all

work in the supply chain function takes place outside the direct vision of any supervisor

(Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper, 2000). For that reason, the level of complexity and uncertainty

in the supply chain is often higher than in other functions. Effective management of the

supply chain therefore demands excellence in managing its human resources. Strategic

management of the people that work in the supply chain is important to contribute to the

overall performance of the supply chain and therefore the entire organization. It is in this

context that we call for papers addressing the entire range of HR and behavioral issues

including leadership as they apply to various aspects of the supply chain.

The guest editors invite and encourage you to submit your research to the special issue

entitled, “Managing the Human Resources in the Supply Chain" Submissions may address

but are not restricted to the following topics:

The role of the human resources in supply chain success

Skills, capabilities and other job requirements for employees working in the

supply chain

Talent Management in the supply chain

HR best practices for the Supply Chain

Managing change and flexibility in the supply chain

Supplier development with special focus on Human Resources

Knowledge sharing on HR practices in the Supply Chain

HR capability for IT applications in the Supply Chain

Training systems and practices for better buyer‐seller relationships

HR for Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Workplace management systems for the Supply Chain

Supply chain behavior / Employee attitudes and their correlates in the Supply


Job evaluation and performance management in the supply chain

Leadership in the supply chain

Managing intra‐organizational and/or cross‐cultural supply chain teams

We are interested in all types of well designed and rigorously performed academic research,

including – conceptual papers, empirical research, quantitative papers and papers based on

qualitative research methodologies. – that are research oriented with significant attention to

pragmatic issues. We encourage authors to submit their research contributing to theory

development based on in‐depth case studies.

Publication schedule

The Deadline for submission is January 7, 2012

Final version of papers due June 15, 2012

Notification of final acceptance September 15, 2012

The special issue is expected to appear January 15, 2013

Accepted submissions will be subject to a double blind peer review process. Manuscripts

should follow the submission guidelines of the journal which can be found at


The e‐mail address to be used for submissions is [log in to unmask]

Guest editors

Dr. Chandrashekhar Lakshman

BEM Bordeaux Management School, France

[log in to unmask]

Dr. Björn Claes

Cranfield School of Management, United Kingdom

[log in to unmask]

Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal

680 cours de la libération

33405 Talence cedex, France

00 33 556 84 55 37



C. Lakshman

Senior Professeur de GRH

Senior Professor of Human Resource Management

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[log in to unmask]" alt="http://info.bem.edu/aacsb/Logo_BEM_accredited.png"> 


Tel. : +33 (0)5 56 84 63 49

Fax : +33 (0)5 56 84 55 00


680 cours de la Libération

33405 Talence Cedex




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