Mushroom Production Workshop in Highland MI Just wanted to inform those who may be interested that I will be conducting a workshop on how to grow gourmet mushrooms at home on logs at Colasanti's market, located in Highland, Michigan. Saturday, November 12, 2011 (a little over 5 weeks from today). The workshop will last from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Participants will learn how to grow Shiitake, Reishi, Lobster-Flavored, Oyster and other mushrooms. This workshop will provide hands-on instruction on how to inoculate and cultivate mushrooms on logs. Each participant will inoculate their own log with the mushroom of their choice and will bring the log home with them at the completion of the workshop. All materials and complete instruction (with handouts) on how to produce gourmet mushrooms on logs are included in the price of tuition ($55 per participant). Class size is limited, and pre-registration is required. To register call Colasanti's Produce and Plants @ 248-887-0012 and ask for Lucy. Colasanti?s Market, 468 S. Milford Road Highland, MI 48357.<>. Announcing the Great Lakes Fruit and Vegetable Expo 2012 Farm Market Tour Join FGN<>, VGN<> and MI-FMAT<> (Michigan Farm Marketing & Agri-Tourism Association) for the 4th Annual Great Lakes EXPO Farm Market Tour the day before the Great Lakes Fruit, <> Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO. WHAT: Join us for a day-long tour as we visit farm markets in Southwest Michigan and experience farm marketing and agri-tourism at its best. Engage with other farm marketers as you share ideas, explore opportunities and discuss strategies during the one-day tour. Michigan State University Extension will serve as tour hosts and will share current research projects and help foster new ideas and implementation plans. THE STOPS INCLUDE: * Barden's Farm Market<> * DeGrandchamp Farms<> * Grandpa's Cider Mill<> * Round Barn Winery and Distillery<> * The Chocolate Garden<> We look forward to seeing you Dec. 5 as we tour some of the best farm markets in Southwest Michigan. RESERVATIONS Sign up Now <> - Registration is limited! Registration is easy - sign up when you register for the Great Lakes EXPO. MORE INFO VISIT THE WEBSITE<> or call 616-887-9008, ext. 121, to learn more. SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship opportunities still available! Email Greg Sebel <mailto:[log in to unmask]> or call 616-887-9008, ext. 104 for more details. DETAILS WHEN: Monday, Dec. 5, 2011 WHERE: Grand Rapids, Mich. Departing from the Amway Grand Plaza COST: $155 (Includes transportation to all farm markets, lunch and snacks) NOFA-NY is pleased to announce a Call for Papers and Posters for our January 2012 Organic Research Symposium. Please spread the news and encourage talented researchers to submit an abstract!! Questions or concerns should be directed to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Thank you! Jill Slater Northeast Organic Research Symposium<> Coordinator Northeast Organic Farming Association NOFA-NY<> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 415.254.5455 * Illinois/Iowa Fruit and Vegetable Symposium, November 18, 2011, at the Scott County Extension Office, Bettendorf, IA. For information, contact Maurice Ogutu, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, 815-235-4125 * High Tunnel and Greenhouse Open House and Workshop, November 22, 2011, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, Simpson, IL. Details to be provided in issue 15 of this newsletter (mid-October). For information, contact Rick Weinzierl, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, 217-244-2126. * MarketReady and MarketMaker workshop, November 29, 2011, at the University of Illinois Franklin county Extension Office, Benton, IL. Details to be provided in issue 15 of this newsletter (mid-October). For information, contact Rick Weinzierl, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, 217-244-2126. * Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo, December 6-8, 2011, in Grand Rapids, MI. For more information, see the EXPO web site at * High Tunnel Open House and Workshop, December 9, 2011, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the University of Illinois St. Charles Horticulture Research Center, St. Charles, IL. Details to be provided in issue 15 of this newsletter (mid-October). For information, contact Rick Weinzierl, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, 217-244-2126. * Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organic Conference, January 11-13, 2012, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield, IL. Details to come. * Southern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School, February 7, 2012, at the Mt. Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. Details to come. * Southwestern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School, February 8, 2012, at the First Presbyterian Church, Hardin, IL. Details to come. * Southern Illinois Commercial Vegetable School, February 16, 2012, at the Mt. Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. Details to come. * Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Association Annual Conference, February 23-25, 2012, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, Springfield, IL. Details to come. * Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools, March 6-7, 2012, at the Mt. Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. American Forage and Grasslands Council Annual Conference January 9 -11, 2012 in Louisville, Kentucky Directions to the SKW Ranch: from Onaway travel south 3 miles on M-33to Three Mile Highway, turn east on Three Mile and travel 3 miles to Little Rainey Road, turn south on Little Rainey Rd. and watch for the SKW Ranch sign on the west side of the road. A conference full of educational workshops, tours and a trade show focused on all aspects of forage production and utilization from hay making to pasture grazing. Presenters are farmers, extension agents, educators, agency representatives, researchers, industry representatives and all interested in sharing their forage experiences ,results, and insights. This year our very own Howard Straub, grass based dairy farmer from St. Johns, MI serves as the AFGC President. For complete details go to The 13th Annual Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference Saturday, January 28, 2012 at Grayling High School, Grayling MI. The theme is Growing a Food and Farming Legacy. Keynote will be a tribute presentation of Chris Bedford's last film "Getting Real about Food and the Future" with commentary by Stephanie Mills. Chris was a documentary film maker, advocate of organic food, supporter of local foods in schools and co-founder of Sweetwater Local Foods Market in Muskegon. For more information go to<>, [log in to unmask]<http:[log in to unmask]> or call 231-838-8093. Vicki Morrone C. S. Mott Group for Sustainable Food Systems Outreach Specialist for Organic Vegetable and Field Crops 303 Natural Resources East Lansing, MI 48824 517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell) 517-353-3834 (Fax)<> If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar