(Food Warrior photos by: Gina Lorubbia, Carrie Stiles, and Ava Mikolavich)
Most of us don’t have the opportunity to know our farmers personally. We either aren’t able, or don’t have the time to sit down and ask the growers of our food about how they grow or raise our food. Many of us buy our greens pre-washed in plastic bins, our chicken breasts cleanly portioned and wrapped, and our favorite beer or chocolate from the snack section of our local grocery store and leave it at that. What if we wanted to choose how to eat based on our own values? You want to support your local farmer, eat antibiotic-free, or know how that artisanal good was made. Now you can. With complete information, we can all act as agents of change, putting our dollars to work to transform the food system into something we can all be proud of.
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** Media contact: Cara Rosaen -– (650) 814-7796, [log in to unmask] **