

SMS University of Miami Conference Extension:  “Co-opetition, Co-evolution and Global Strategy”


The University of Miami proudly invites you to attend the Strategic Management Society’s Conference Extension on Wednesday, November 9, 2011.  The University of Miami Conference Extension will present a panel of global scholars who will shed light on emerging issues and future research on co-opetition and co-evolution in the field of global strategy.  Two noteworthy phenomena and philosophies in global business that are emerging today are co-opetition, that is, simultaneous competition and cooperation between international firms and their global rivals, foreign governments, alliance partners, channel members, and even corporate members, and co-evolution, that is, organizational and environmental changes in a global environment occur in a simultaneous and interactive manner. This Extension aims to promote dialogue with and among some leading scholars in the field on some specific issues pertaining to co-opetition and co-evolution, such as cooperation with global rivals, co-evolving business-government ties, multinationals’ co-opetition and co-evolution practices, processes and outcomes, co-opetition and co-evolution between foreign and domestic businesses, among others. 



Yadong Luo

Joseph Ganitsky

Haresh Gurnani



Mike Hitt, Texas A&M University - “Institutions, International Expansion and Co-opetition Between Firms and Between Countries”
Marjorie Lyles, Indiana University

Oded Shenkar, Ohio State University - “What We Do Not Know about Strategic Alliances”

Jeff Reuer, Purdue University - “Administrative Mechanisms in Strategic Alliances”

Yan (Anthea) Zhang, Rice University - “FDIL Spillovers Over Time:  How do Barriers to Imitation Matter?”

John Daniels, University of Miami - “Cooperation and Competition in the Airline Industry: Emphasis on the Oneworld Alliance”


To participate, please register through the SMS website,, as soon as possible for:  Miami Extension: Coral Gables – November 9.  We will be picking up all conference participants at the Lowes Hotel (SMS's main conference hotel) in Miami Beach and also providing transportation back to the hotel at the end of the day.  Lunch will also be provided.  Please see the enclosed agenda for complete details. 


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Niccole Pertierra, Assistant Director, CIBER at [log in to unmask] or 305-284-4729.  We look forward to your participation!




Yadong Luo, Joseph Ganitsky, and Haresh Gurnani



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