

2011 China Global Talents



December 18, 2011 Guangzhou, China


Conference Sponsor:

Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholar in Science and Technology


Conference Organizer:

Center for China and Globalization (CCG)


Conference Co-Organizer:

Center on Environment, Energy and Resource Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Guanghua Management School, Peking University, Beijing, China

Asia Pacific Research Institute, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China


Conference Advisory Committee:

Dr. Liu Hong, Chair, College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University; Singapore;

Dr. Denis Fred Simon, Vice Provost for Intl Affairs, University of Oregon, USA;

Dr. Huiyao Wang, Director General, Center for China & Globalization; Vice Chairman, China Western Returned Scholars Association

Dr. Lan Xue, Dean, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, China

Dr. Shujie Yao, Dean, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Nottingham University, UK.

Mr. Decun Zhan, Director, Committee Office of Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholars in Science and Technology

Dr. David Zweig, Director, CEERP, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK


Conference Organizing Committee:

Dr. Huiyao Wang (Chair), Director General, Center for China & Globalization; Beijing, China and Senior Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School,

Dr. David Zweig (Vice-Chair), Director, CEERP, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong;

Dr. Lu Jiangyong, Deputy Director, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Guanghua Management School, Peking University. Beijing, China;

Dr. Howard Xiaohua Lin, Director of the International Research Institute at Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Canada.

Dr. Tony Fang, Associate Professor, School of Human Resource Management, York University, President-elect, Chinese Economist Society

Dr. Shibao Guo, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. Shen Wei, Associate Dean for China, ESSCA, France

Dr. Bin Wu, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Nottingham University, UK.

Dr. Wenxuan Hou, Director of China Development & Research, Durham University, UK,


Dr. Cao Shanyu, Asia Pacific Research Institute, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China


Call for Papers

China has undergone enormous changes over the past 30 years. One of the major forces behind China’s profound transformation has been China’s large resource of overseas talent. Since China opened up, China over 2 million students and scholars went abroad and over 700,000 have returned. Many of those who have returned, often called "Sea Turtles," as well as many who fly back and forth ("Seagulls") are playing significant roles in China’s globalization. There has been growing interest from the academic, business and policy community to carry out research on China’s global talent and their role and impact. The Chinese government in recent years has given unprecedented attention to the development of talent with the launch of a new national talent development plan, thereby placing greater policy emphasis on these phenomena.


To facilitate the enhance research on China’s global talent and returnees studies, and facilitate greater exchanges among scholars and government officials, the Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholar in Science and Technology, the Center for China and Globalization and other organizations listed above will organize an international conference on "China's Global Talent and Returnees" on December 18, 2011 in Guangzhou, China. The conference is calling for papers in the following areas:


l  The global talent movement and its implications and impact on China;

l  Overseas talent and returnee entrepreneurs, their development and the role they play in China's modernization;

l  Migration policy and the experience of other countries in attracting and retaining talent;

l  The possible changes these talented returnees will bring in the economic, social, political and cultural spheres in China;

l  The role of global talent in innovation and globalization in China;

l  Policy analysis as to ways to improve the effectiveness of the central and local government in attracting returnees, as well as the role of regional returnee parks;

l  Other Issues on China's global talent and the development of returnees


The papers can be submitted in either English or Chinese and some will be recommended by the organizing committee to be published in two books, one in English and another in Chinese. Authors who submit papers will have no registration fee and will be provided local five star hotel accommodations and food for both the conference and the Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholar in Science and Technology which follows the next two days. The Guangzhou Convention is the largest overseas Chinese Scholars Fair in China which annually attracts over 10,000 returnees from all over the world. There will also be opportunities to visit the Pearl River Delta region organized by the local municipalities.


Tentative Schedule of the Conference


December 17, 2011

Conference Registration, check in to hotel


December 18, 2011


Conference Opening

8:00-8.30 am: Conference registration

8:30 – 9:00: Invited Chinese Central and Local Government Representatives make opening remarks

9:00 –9: 45: Keynote Speakers (TBA)

9:45- 10:00: Tea Break

10:00- 11:10: Panel Discussion 1: The Global Talent Movement, Development and Trends 

11:10 – 12:20: Panel Discussion 2: China’s Global Talent and Returnee Entrepreneurs Development in China

12:20- 13:50: LuncheonKeynote Speakers

14:00 – 15:10: Panel Discussion 3: Migration Policy and the Experience of other countries in Attracting and Retaining the Talents

15:10 – 16:20: Panel Discussion 4: Global Talent and Their Roles on Innovation and Globalization for China

16:20 – 16:30. Tea Break

16:30–18:30: Round Table Group Discussion: Policy Analysis and Improvement of the Effectiveness of Central and local Government as well as Regional Returnee Parks in China.

18:30 -20:00: Networking Dinner and Conference Closes.


December 19-21, 2011

Invited participants may participate in various activities of Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholars.


Conference Contact:

Dr. Li Hong (Sunny), Deputy Secretary General,

Center for China and Globalization     

Suite 3008, Tower 3, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Rd.

Chaoyang Dist. Beijing, China, 100102

Office Tel : 8610-582056388610-58205639

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