Call for chapter proposals: due November 21, 2011
Increasing Learner Engagement through Cutting-edge Technologies
A volume in Emerald Publishing Group’s Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher Education series
Charles Wankel, St. John’s University, New York, and Patrick Blessinger, International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association, Editors.
This volume will examine new research on emerging technologies used in higher education to increase learner engagement in an epoch of increasing globalization and diversity. It will encompass both theoretical and empirical evidence across a wide range of disciplines and cultures, including both teaching and administrative applications. These new enabling technologies are reshaping and reframing the practice of educators and administrators in bolstering courses and other interfaces between institutions and students including distance education, interuniversity collaborations, internships, student affairs, library, enrollment management, and support centers.
Book chapter proposals received: November 21, 2011
Notification of accepted chapter proposals: December 1, 2011
Receipt of full book chapters: February 24, 2012
Chapter authors receive reviews with feedback: March 24, 2012
Final revisions due: May 1, 2012
Book release: September 2012
Submit a one-page chapter proposal. Also, include for each of the coauthors a brief biography including full name, terminal degree, current institutional affiliation and position, and a listing of any related publications. For each coauthor include contact information, so we can readily contact you, to include: email address, mobile phone, work phone, home phone, Skype user name, and complete postal mailing address.
Send proposals and inquiries to both:
Charles Wankel [log in to unmask] and Patrick Blessinger [log in to unmask]