PLEASE EXCUSE CROSS POSTINGS. *Dear Madam / Sir,* * * *We are pleased to announce an **International Conference on Management in the New World Order * * * What is the emerging new world order? Power shift to the east where the growing markets of China and India are likely to propel these countries towards economic power houses. Hence the business practices of the orient are likely to assume greater importance in future. There is an increasingly felt need for new management paradigms for business which do not necessarily originate either from North America or Western Europe given the corporate scandals of the recent past. The ‘India Way’ [1] published recently brings the Indian business models into acute focus wherein it identifies some aspects of doing business in India which are distinctly different from the way business is conducted in the USA. While this work could be an important pointer towards India and the Indian way of doing business, there is a lot about Indian way of doing business that could be harnessed by an all-inclusive conference on this theme. Hence a conference dwelling on the concepts and practises from India along several dimensions including - philosophical, mythological, sociological, organizational, entrepreneurial and strategic aspects of business is being organized. This conference aims at exploring areas such as, wisdom from Indian literature, Indian philosophical orientation, lessons from Indian business communities, impact of business clusters in India, etc. which have been drawn into various tracks. Papers are invited from academicians, practitioners and research scholars who have explored aspects of Indian ethos, culture, business and management. * Track I: Wisdom from Indian Literature* * * Papers in this track should focus on distilling and interpreting the wisdom from Indian epics and treatises for use in modern management. It would be preferable if structured qualitative analyses are adopted for papers in this track. Some examples of Indian epics and treatises follow, however these are not exclusive and authors could consider other similar treatises: · Vedas / Upanishads / Bhagwad Gita · Epics – Mahabharata / Ramayana · Treatises --- Arthashastra, Bijaganita, Charaka Samhita, Natya Shastra, Siddhanta Siromani, Sushruta Samhita, Thirukural etc. *Track II: Indian Philosophical Orientation* * * Papers in this track should focus on distilling and interpreting the wisdom from Indian schools of thought for use in modern management. It would be preferable if structured qualitative analyses are adopted for papers in this track. Some examples of Indian schools of thought follow, however these are not exclusive and authors could consider other schools: · Treatises from Astika schools of thought -Advaita / Samkhya / Vaisesika etc. (e.g. Bhajagovindam) · Treatise from Nastika schools --- Charvaka /Jainism / Buddhism *Track III: Lessons from Indian Business Communities* * * Papers in this track should focus on drawing lessons from Indian business communities for use in modern management. Some examples of Indian business communities follow, however these are not exclusive and authors could consider other communities: · Marwaris · Parsees · Nadars · Chettiars *Track IV: Impact of Business Clusters in India * * * Some examples of Indian business clusters follow, however these are not exclusive and authors could consider other clusters: · Auto Cluster · Textile Cluster · Leather Cluster · Diesel Engine Cluster * Track V: Practises of Indian Businesses* * * Some examples of practises follow, however these are not exclusive and authors could consider other practises: · Human Resource practises and Ethical issues · Accounting practises and the Partha System · Family business practises --- keeping the family& business separate; succession planning; outsider intervention etc. · Business grouping practises --- appropriateness of holding structure, cross subsidization of efficiencies, Angeling new ventures by groups etc. *Track VI: Growing Indian Multinationals* * * Papers in this track should focus on drawing lessons from the emergence and growth of Indian multinationals for use in modern management. Some examples of Indian sectors follow, however these are not exclusive and authors could consider other sectors: · Experiences from Indian IT sector · Experiences from Indian Pharmaceutical sector · Competitiveness of Indian Exports *Track VII: Leadership lessons from India * * * Papers in this track should focus on drawing lessons from Indian businesses as a whole from a leadership perspective for use in modern management. It would be preferable if structured qualitative analyses / case studies / empirical approaches are adopted for papers in this track. Some examples of leadership perspectives follow, however these are not exclusive and authors could consider other perspectives: · India Way – finding a socio-capitalistic model · Venturing with limited resources · Jugaad and not structured innovation · Thriving diversity of operating models [1] Cappelli, P., Singh, H., Singh, J., Useem, M., 2010, The India Way: Lessons from the U.S.; Academy of Management Perspectives, May 6 – 24 Please do visit the conference website to download the conference brochure and the JIBR special issue call for papers associated with this conference. *Convenor,* *International Conference on Management in the New World Order* *Indian Institute of Management – Ranchi * ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.