Sixth Annual Mid-Atlantic Strategy Colloquium and Doctoral Workshop
Call for Papers
December 2-3, 2011
The Strategy & Entrepreneurship group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is pleased to host an exciting conference dedicated to furthering research in the field of strategic management. The Annual Mid-Atlantic Strategy Colloquium (MASC) is hosted by a different Mid-Atlantic strategy group each year. The concept is simple and compelling: a casual, low-key yet energizing, research-focused, developmentally-oriented meeting of strategy scholars to advance our collective scholarship and to build a stronger community of strategy scholars in the region.
Date: December 2-3, 2011
Main Program: Noon to 6: 00 pm Friday; 9 am to noon Saturday
Doctoral Workshop: 1 - 4 pm Saturday
Location: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2011
Papers: MASC is committed to providing a forum for high quality conceptual and empirical papers on the full spectrum of topics within strategic management utilizing diverse methodologies and data sources, and from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives. Authors who wish to present their papers at the conference should electronically submit a copy of the paper, in the style guide of one of the major journals, and an abstract of 200 words or less. Only papers that not have been accepted for publication will be considered. We encourage papers that are under development for submission to journals, and major conferences. Papers are reviewed by a panel for inclusion in the program. We seek to be as inclusive as possible within the time constraints of the conference. Submit papers with the subject line: “MASC Paper Submission” to Nandini Lahiri [log in to unmask] by October 15, 2011. Authors will be notified about the status of their manuscript no later than November 7, 2011.
Doctoral Workshop: The MASC doctoral student workshop is open to all doctoral students from those just beginning doctoral studies to those completing dissertations. The format is highly interactive. Students are provided developmental feedback on their research ideas, theory development, methods, and related aspects. Students should submit their vita and a one page (single spaced) document that states their stage in the doctoral program and summarizes their primary research interest (could attach one working paper or a summary of dissertation proposal). Doctoral students should submit materials with the subject line: “MASC Doctoral Workshop Submission” to Devi Gnyawali, [log in to unmask] , Virginia Tech, by November 15, 2011.
Given the informal nature of the colloquium and doctoral workshop, conference participants are asked to cover their own travel and lodging expenses.
Registration deadline: November 15, 2011. More information will be available soon.
Nandini Lahiri
Assistant Professor, Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Kenan-Flagler Business School
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB # 3490
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490
Tel: 919-962-3284; Fax: 919-962-4266