Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR) 20th Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-18 May 2012, Deadline 15 Feb, 2012
Consortium for International Marketing Research
20th Annual Conference Taipei 2012
May 15-18, 2012
Conference website :
Marketing Innovation in and From Emerging Markets: Theoretical and Empirical Directions for Future Research
College of Commerce National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan is very pleased to host the 20th CIMaR Conference and looks forward to welcoming you in May 2012
CIMaR 2012 conference invites, paper submissions related to the theme marketing innovation in, and from, emerging markets. Accelerating trends toward the globalization of innovation provide researchers with a unique opportunity to develop interesting and compelling conceptualizations of the innovation phenomenon in emerging markets. Some MNEs are using emerging markets as a platform for technology-enabled innovation rather than as traditional manufacturing hubs. For example, global automotive companies such as Volkswagen and GM are working with Chinese partners to develop innovative low-cost models and local brands in China. In addition, emerging-market firms are trying to build new business models to develop innovative product/service for global customers. For example, Taiwanese electronics company ASUS launched the ultra-low cost Eee PC and registered successful international growth.
These emerging trends provide an inviting contextual background for international marketing scholars to develop theoretical and empirical work and to deepen their understanding of this phenomenon. Theoretically, it is not at all obvious that our established theories and empirical generalizations apply in emerging market contexts. Thus,the conference seeks theoretical and empirical papers focusing on marketing innovation in and from emerging markets from perspectives of strategy, innovation, and new product development, and consumer behavior, in a global context.
Above and beyond papers specifically focused on the conference theme, we invite papers on all marketing aspects of global business activity, including issues in international marketing management, consumer behavior, and supply chains. While contributions addressing any aspect of marketing in a global context are welcome, work offering important conceptual and empirical insights into the nature and processes of cross-border marketing are of interest. Mainstream marketing issues such as market entry, segmentation, product positioning, channel development, and pricing, among others, are sought; also innovative topics dealing with the interface of international marketing and cutting-edge issues such as high technology and global political developments, among others. Regardless of focus, papers should make a substantive contribution to knowledge regarding the role of marketing in global business.
Deadline 15 Feb 2012 (Midnight CET)
The Organizing Committee members are:
Conference Co-Chairs
Prof. Jyh-Shen Chiou
Department of International Business
National Chengchi University
64,Sec.2, Zhi-Nan Road, Taipei 11605, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: (886)-2-29393091 ext 81039
Fax: (886)-2-2938-7699
Email: [log in to unmask]
Dr. Ruey-Jer (Bryan) Jean
Department of International Business
National Chengchi University
64,Sec.2, Zhi-Nan Road, Taipei 11605, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: (886)-2-29393091 ext 88059
Fax: (886)-2-2938-7699
Email: [log in to unmask]
Conference Secretary
Yen-Hung (Steven) Liu
PhD. Student
Department of International Business, National Chengchi University
64,Sec.2, Zhi-Nan Road, Taipei 11605, Taiwan, R.O.C.
E-mail:[log in to unmask]
Department of International Business, National Chengchi University
ADD :64, SEC. 2, Tz-nan Rd., Wenshan, Taipei 116,Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL :(886)-2-29398033
FAX :(886)-2-29387699
E-mail:[log in to unmask]
Ruey-Jer (Bryan) Jean, PhD.
Assistant Professor
Department of International Business
National Chengchi University
64,Sec.2, Zhi-Nan Road, Taipei 11605, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: (886)-2-29393091 ext 88059
Fax: (886)-2-2938-7699