




Dear AIB colleague,


Here is the latest (17/1) issue of the Journal of East West Business.


Volume 17, Issue 1, 2011

Journal of East-West Business

ISSN 1066-9868 (Print), 1528-6959 (Online)

Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year


Editor's Note


Anatoly Zhuplev Editor
pages 1-2


Original Articles


The Response of MNCs to Radical Systemic Change in a Transition Environment

Jerzy Cieślik & Eugene Kaciak
pages 3-31


The Impact of Education and Legislation on Smoking Motivations: A Case Study of Poland

Elzbieta Lepkowska-White & Joanna Bialkowska
pages 32-47


Brand Equity of Luxury Fashion Brands Among Chinese and U.S. Young Female Consumers

Jaehee Jung & Dong Shen
pages 48-69




Aims and Scope. The Journal of East-West Business is international in scope and treats business issues from functional, regional, comparative, cross-cultural, and cross-national perspectives.  It seeks to stimulate the exploration of east-west business relations with topics ranging from market transition and transformation, entrepreneurship and small/medium-size enterprise development, foreign direct investment and trade, development of tourism, organizational dynamics, emerging market strategies, comparative management, and marketing, to industrial development and growth, as well as other emerging topics of critical importance in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Russia, and other post-Soviet states.  The Journal of East-West Business welcomes theoretical and practical articles that are relevant, readable, and credible to advance knowledge in business, management and related functional and regional areas.



Instructions for Authors:



A. Zhuplev

Anatoly Zhuplev


Journal of East-West Business


Loyola Marymount University
Hilton Center for Business

1 LMU Drive, MS 8385
Los Angeles, California 90045-2659

E: [log in to unmask]
   T: (310) 338-7414   F: (310) 338-3000 

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