Would you be so kind as to distribute this MIB scholarship announcement to your interested students:

Merit Based Scholarship

Master of International Business 

Universidad EAFIT

Aiming to promote racial, religious, ethnic, national, cultural, methodological, and ideological diversity within its student body, the Master of International Business program at Universidad EAFIT in Medellín, Colombia will offer one (1) merit based scholarship to begin studies in January 2012 to a candidate recommended by an academic member of the Academy of International Business.  This scholarship will be awarded based on previous academic results, work/life experience, English language certification, clarity in the proposed research project, and diversity enhancement. 


The scholarship will cover tuition fees only for the English language taught Master of International Business program and Spanish language classes.  The scholarship will be awarded on a semester-by-semester basis upon satisfactory completion of the previous semester.


The interested candidate should review the attached document and www.eafit.edu.co/mib. Any questions can be directed to [log in to unmask]

Anne Marie Zwerg-Villegas
Coordinadora Maestría en Negocios Internacionales
Coordinadora Extensión
Universidad EAFIT
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