

Dear Geosciences Education Research Colleagues:
I would like to call your attention to a “Dear Colleague Letter” that has just been posted on the NSF website. The letter calls attention to an existing and continuing opportunity in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at NSF. The Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) is interested in receiving proposals for new REU Sites that will focus on science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics (STEM) education research. Please see the Dear Colleague Letter for details and contact information. This year’s deadline for proposal submission is on August 24.
Please see the Dear Colleague Letter at the following link:
Hannah Sevian (on behalf of the EHR-REU group)
Program Director
Directorate for Education and Human Resources
National Science Foundation
p.s. Please do not send requests for further information to me. In the Dear Colleague Letter, there is contact information that will enable you to reach all of the program officers in this group.

Julie Libarkin
Associate Professor, Director - Geocognition Research Lab
Michigan State University
206 Natural Science
East Lansing, MI 48824

Phone: 517-355-8369
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Geoscience Education

Affiliations: Department of Geological Sciences, Division of Science and Mathematics Education, Cognitive Science Program, Center for Research on College Science Teaching and Learning