For the last several years I have been training my MBA’s using a simulation called Globalsym. Most Recently they participated in an interesting global competition with the Lok Jack School in Trinidad and other universities in Ireland and Guatemala. Unfortunately I am teaching the doctoral program in the October-November-December period and all but the Trinidad partners have other commitments. We will be competing in the Spring but in the mean time I am hoping to find a competitor or the excellent EMBA students in Trinidad. I hope someone out in AIB land may be interested.
Stephen B. Salter
Stephen B. Salter Ph.D
Professor of Accounting & Endowed Chair of Western Hemispheric Trade/
Profesor de Contabilidad y de Comercio Hemisférico Occidental
Department of Accounting
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso Tx 79968-0542
Phone : (915) 747-7755
Fax : (915) 747-8618