For more information about this issue contact: Suzy Howell,TIBR Managing Editor Thunderbird School of Global Management 1 Global Place, Glendale AZ 85306 USA Create Account to Submit a Manuscript ##################################################################### TIBR-53-4, July/August 2011 Table of contents Dr. Min Chen, Guest Editor The Continual Rise of China: Opportunities and Challenges LEAD ARTICLE John Frankenstein China, getting beyond the headlines FEATURE ARTICLES Pierre Xiao Lu and Pierre Bras Profiling Mass affluent luxury goods consumers in China: a psychographic approach Matt Robinson, Chris Hilson The West, China: Shake-up in global banking? C. Roe Goddard Risky Business: Financial Sector Liberalization in China Bruce Stening, Fuming Jiang, Lin Cui The entry mode decision of Chinese outward FDI: Firm resources, industry condition, and institutional forces Friedrich Wu** corresponding and leadauthor, Lim Siok Hoon, Zhang Yuzhu Dos and Don’ts for Chinese Companies in the US CASE STUDY Min Chen A Strike in Shanghai Comment #1 - Candice Aebi Comment #2 - Tejinder Grewal PERSPECTIVES FROM PRACTICE Reuven Levary Multiple criteria approach to ranking medical tourism destinations BOOK REVIEWS Hongzhi Gao Changing the rules of the game in the new era of global competition the Chinese way Tony Hooper China – the next global hegemon? ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.