

Below is an announcement related to fall 2011 recruiting efforts for Texas 
A&M’s Department of Management. Please feel free to pass this along to any 
of your contacts who might either have a personal interest or know of others 
who might have an interest.  The department will not be doing any formal 
interviewing in San Antonio; however, Department Head Ricky Griffin is open to 
meeting with exceptional candidates. Thanks, Lorraine Eden 

Position Announcements
Department of Management
Mays Business School
Texas A&M University

The Department of Management at Texas A&M University intends to hire four 
(4) or more new colleagues to join our faculty in September 2012. All positions 
are open with respect to rank, although preferences will be given as noted 
below. For more information about these positions visit 

One (possibly two) micro (OB/HR) position(s): Candidates should have an 
earned doctorate, an established track record, and clear indicators of 
potential continued excellence in both research and teaching. Preference for 
one position will be given to applicants at the rank of experienced assistant or 
early associate and who have expertise and interest in teaching negotiations. 

Two (possibly three) macro (strategic management) positions: Candidates 
should have an earned doctorate, an established track record, and clear 
indicators of potential continued excellence in both research and teaching. For 
all positions preference will be given to candidates with a minimum of two 
years of experience as an assistant professor and who have a secondary 
interest in entrepreneurship.

One (possibly two) clinical (non-tenure-track) positions: Candidates should 
have an earned doctorate and demonstrated interests and capabilities in 
teaching courses in entrepreneurship, new venture formation, small business 
management, and related areas. 

Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, a current vita, and 
names and contact information for three references to Ricky W. Griffin, Head 
of the Department of Management, at [log in to unmask]

Department of Management: Our tenured/tenure-track faculty currently 
includes Professors Ricky Griffin (Department Head), Murray Barrick, Leonard 
Bierman, Lorraine Eden, Luis Gomez-Mejia, Michael Hitt, Duane Ireland, Brad 
Kirkman, Ramona Paetzold, Michael Pustay, Richard Woodman, and Asghar 
Zardkoohi; Associate Professors Wendy Boswell, Christopher Porter, David 
Sirmon, Laszlo Tihanyi, and Michael Wesson; Assistant Professors Dan 
Chiaburu, Abbie Shipp, Mario Schijven, Hermann Ndofor, and Ryan Zimmerman. 
Our department consistently ranks among the top departments in the world in 
terms of research productivity, impact, and visibility. In addition to our Ph.D. 
program and MS-HR programs, we also make on-going contributions to Mays 
Business School’s undergraduate, MBA, and EMBA programs. In addition, we 
have a departmentally-managed MS-HR program in the Middle East and are 
currently developing an MS-Entrepreneurship program. Our faculty includes six 
Academy of Management Fellows as well numerous current and former holders 
of leadership roles in both the Academy and its major divisions.

College Station: College Station is a vibrant and growing college community. 
The town enjoys a low cost of living, an array of local and national 
restaurants and retail outlets, an outstanding performing arts series, myriad 
college athletic events, excellent public schools, and strong health care 
options. College Station is also within two hours of both Houston and Austin 
and three hours of Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio.

Ricky W. Griffin
Head, Department of Management
Distinguished Professor of Management and Blocker Chair in Business
420C Wehner Building
Mays Business School
Texas A&M University 77843.4221

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