The Academy of Management Research Methods Division invites you to

Theory Development Using Case-Studies PDW

Friday, August 12, 1:15-5:15pm

Marriott Rivercenter (Salon J)

Deadline July 20th 2011


Want to publish case-based research?

Have theoretical ideas? Want multiple informal peer-reviews?


Theory Development Using Case-Studies is a professional development workshop (PDW) where active case writers devote an afternoon to refine their case research manuscripts by engaging in small group round table discussions with like-minded authors in a collaborative environment for exchange of feedback and ideas. You will make progress towards theory development, extension, exploration and affirmation of your work. Good for PhD students and junior faculty too. The best cases and research manuscripts will be considered for publication in a special issue of the European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management.

Submissions are due by July 20th 2011, by e-mail Vi Narapareddy ([log in to unmask])

Late submissions accepted with prior approval of Vi, if space available.

What to submit?

Submit a case with an instructors’ manual or submit a Case-based research manuscript. Include a a summary statement describing potential areas for theory development, including a. your discipline and intended theory; b. key research questions & what theory/ies are being challenged or extended; and c. related literature review. By submission authors also commit to reviewing about three manuscripts of their table-discussants, before attending the workshop on August 12th, 2011.

Workshop Organizers Look Forward to Your Participation


Workshop Organizers: Dr. Mikael Søndergård, Associate Professor at the Aarhus University, Denmark & Dr. Jyoti Bachani, Assistant Professor, St. Mary’s College of California, USA.

Workshop Collaborators: Vijaya Narapareddy, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver

Winfried Ruigrok, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Bill Naumes, Emeritus, University of New Hampshire, Margaret Naumes, Senior Lecturer, University of New Hampshire, Marilyn Taylor, Henry W. Bloch School of Management, Kansas City MO, Chi Anyansi-Archibong, North Carolina A&T State University (Members of:,


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