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Final Call for Applications for Doctoral Student Consortium

2011 Annual Conference, October 26 – 28 at Rollins College, Orlando, Florida

Conference Website: www.aibse.org


Doctoral Student Consortium Application Deadline: June 30, 2011


We would like to invite you to consider applying for the doctoral student consortium to be held at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business Southeast USA Chapter (AIB-SE), in Orlando, Florida.


Why AIB-SE Doctoral Student Consortium?

(1) Opportunity to network and begin/continue integrating yourself in the academic community
(2) All accepted conference papers and dissertation proposal abstracts accepted for consortium will be published in the 2011 AIB-SE Conference Proceedings
(3) Best papers may be invited to be published in academic journals and/or book

(4) Exciting agenda for consortium featuring world renowned speakers and panelists, a ‘Meet the Editors’ session, as well as various social networking events
(5) Best Dissertation Proposal Award, William J. Ziegler Best Student Paper Award, Best Student Reviewer Award, each with an up to $500 cash price


Application Process for Consortium

(1)  Please send an e-mail to [log in to unmask] attaching your current resume and a brief statement indicating that you would like to apply for the consortium.

(2)  Please submit through our online submission system at http://meetings.aib.msu.edu/us-se/2011/submit.php an extended abstract, not exceeding 3,750 words (approximately 15 pages at 250 words per page), of the successfully defended dissertation proposal, and/or a student research paper. The abstract should describe the objective of the doctoral research, along with its theoretical foundation, relation to previous research, contributions to the field of International Business, methodology, and results/findings if available. For student research papers, please follow the JIBS style guide.



 The Conference

The conference centers on the presentation of the newest ideas on global business to an international audience of academic scholars and business practitioners. AIB-SE is characterized by a strong developmental focus, providing participants with a supportive and collegial platform to discuss and develop ideas, and mentoring and helping authors enhance their papers for publication. The conference will feature an exciting program including competitive and interactive paper sessions, world renowned speakers and keynoters, a meet the editors session as well as several panels on and around our annual theme “globalization and emerging markets” in addition to the doctoral student consortium. The conference will also feature a number of exciting social events and networking opportunities, including our welcome reception, annual dinner gala with keynote speaker, annual luncheon with thematic speaker on emerging markets, a concert in Rollins’ Tiedke Concert Hall by Jing Yu and Gloria Cook who will together play the pipa based on a composition by Susan Lackman specifically composed for this collaboration at the conference, as well as social event at Winterpark’s Park Avenue. Please visit our website for further details and paper submission information: www.aibse.org



We look forward to seeing you in Sunny Florida in October!  


Conference Co-Chairs

Ilan Alon, Ph.D.  

George D. and Harriet W. Cornell Chair of International Business

Director, The China Center at Rollins College

Department of International Business, 1000 Holt Ave

Rollins College. Winter Park, FL

407-646-1512, [log in to unmask]


Daniel Rottig, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Business Strategy and International Business
Department of Management, Lutgert College of Business
Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL 33965
239-590-1247, [log in to unmask]





Gold Sponsor

Rollins College

Gold Sponsor



Bronze Sponsor


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For more information, please visit AIB-SE’s website at:

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp
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