Dear colleagues,


The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management and the local host Moscow State University cordially invite you to the 9th Workshop on International Strategy and Cross Cultural Management that will be held in Moscow on October 21-22, 2011.


We will accept both conceptual and empirical contributions in either International Strategy or Cross Cultural Management. We are particularly interested in papers that may help us to enhance the dialogue between and integration of these areas. To learn more about the workshop, please visit the following workshop website:


The workshop will be organized around this call for papers, coupled with keynote addresses by two invited speakers, Sheila M. Puffer (Northeastern University) and Ingmar Björkman (Hanken School of Economics). Awards will be given to the authors of the best papers (one best overall paper and one best paper written by a junior scholar). We also envisage a special journal issue or a special section of a journal, as we have done in previous years. The deadline for paper submissions is August 01, 2011.


We would very much appreciate if you could share this information with your colleagues who might be interested in the event.


Hope to see you in Moscow this coming October!


Kind regards,


Sebastian Reiche



B. Sebastian Reiche, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Managing People in Organizations
IESE Business School
Ave. Pearson, 21
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 602 4491
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