





International scientific conference


Business – Science – Government Partnership: Fostering Country Competitiveness


We kindly invite you to submit a paper for the conference "Business – Science – Government Partnership: Fostering a Country‘s Competitiveness“ which will take place on 21st  – 23rd  of September 2011 at the International Business School a part of Vilnius University, in the capital city of Lithuania. The conference is co-organized with the EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMRBI), the Lithuanian Business Confederation: ICC Lithuania, the Lithuanian Institute of Public Administration, Northtown Technology Park, Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park and Work and the Labor Research Institute.

The main objective of the conference is to promote partnership between science, business, government and non-governmental institutions trying to foster sustainable development and competitiveness of countries. A secondary goal is to show the international business community that, indeed, the social sciences are well prepared to create a valuable vision - and products - that can be successfully marketed by businesses as well as governments.

Scientists and practicians are encouraged to submit a paper for the conference. Although the conference focuses on applied presentations, theoretical papers are welcomed as well.



Key speakers:

v      Uwe Haug, Managing Director of the Steinbeis Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentren GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany

“Competitive Knowledge-and Technology Transfer-The Steinbeis Approach”

v      dr. M. Starkevičiűtë, Ex-member of European Parliament, Lecturer at Vilnius University, International Business School

“Country’s growth model and competitiveness”

v      Representative of Lithuanian Government (to be defined)





Conference Tracks:

  1. Business-Science partnership
  2. Innovation management
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Business environment
  5. Commercialization management
  6. E- business
  7. E-government
  8. E- business as a tool for Intellectual property creation
  9. Innovation, creativity and competitiveness in public sector
  10. Government policy scenarios (activities) for business and science partnership
  11. Case study
  12. Scientific decisions and recommendations to business
  13. Scientific decisions and recommendations to governmental institutions


Round table discussions:

v      E-government solutions for public sector;

v      Project, program and portfolio management in public sector;

v      Values and personal characteristics of employees in public sector;

v      Introduction of new occupations in the labor market;

v      Problems of labor supply and demand balance;

v      Leveraging of labor resources from third countries.


Author Guidelines

Paper size should be between 10000 and 15000 characters with spaces. The main text should be written with Times New Roman, 12 pt size characters, 1.5 space interval. Authors information should be presented in different document together with paper abstract.


Paper should include:



Literature review;


Discussion and conclusions.



Papers abstract (not more then 1000 characters) should reflect:




Reseach limitations/implications;

Practical implications for business/society/academy/government;


Category of article: research, viewpoint, technical, conceptual, case study, literature review or general review.

Track Number.


More information about how to prepare an abstract you will find there:


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with the possibility of the best ones for publications in scientific journals enlisted below:


“INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS: innovations, psychology, economics” Editor-in-Chief Prof. Habil. Dr. Danguole Beresneviciene, International Business School at Vilnius University


“Business and Law”, ISSN 1822-9530 Included to international EBSCO Publishing, TOC Premier, EconLit, Index Copernicus Master List data bases; Editor-in-Chief  prof. J. Ruţevičius;


“Journal of Security and Sustainability”, ISSN 2029-7017, Editors-in-Chief Dr. Valdas Rakutis, The General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Prof. Jay Mitra, University of Essex, UK, Prof. Manuela Tvaronavičienë,Vilnius Gediminas Technical University;


“World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development” (WREMSD), ISSN (Online): 1746-0581 - ISSN (Print): 1746-0573, Honorary Editor-in-Chief Prof. Sabine Urban;


“International Journal of Emerging Markets”, ISSN: 1746-8809, Editor-in-Chief Dr. Yusaf H. Akbar,


“EuroMed Journal of Business”, ISSN: 1450-2194, Editors-in-Chief Professor Demetris Vrontis (President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute) and Dr. Petros Lois (Holder of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Chair in Business Reseach),



Important deadlines:

Papers should be submitted by 23rd of June

Information about acceptance or rejection of the paper will be provided by 1 of August

Early registration before 22st of August

Late registration after 22st of August




Early-bird registration before 1 of August

Late registration after

1 of August

Conference presenters (September 21 – 22 conference participation )

150 Euro

200 Euro

Conference presenters (September 21 – 23  conference participation)

170 Euro

220 Euro

Students*  (September 21 – 22 conference participation )

75 Euro

100 Euro

Students*  (September 21 – 23 conference participation )

95 Euro

120 Euro

Co-authors (September 21 – 22 conference participation )

100 Euro

150 Euro

Co-authors (September 21 – 23 conference participation )

120 Euro

170 Euro

Other participants (September 21 – 22 conference participation)

75 Euro

100 Euro

Other participants (September 21 – 23 conference participation)

95 Euro

120 Euro

Accompanying person (September 21 – 22 conference participation )

75 Euro

75 Euro

Accompanying person (September 21 – 23 conference participation )

95 Euro

95 Euro

* Confirmation letter required.




Conference venue and contacts

International Business School at Vilnius University

Address: Saulëtekio ave. 22, LT-10225 Vilnius, Lithuania

Fax: (+370 5) 2698756

E-mail: [log in to unmask]


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