3RD INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT OF ISTANBUL ECONOMISTS “ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT" 10-12 OCTOBER 2011, ISTANBUL - TURKEY Dear Scholars and Researchers, 3rd International Summit of Istanbul Economists which is organized by Istanbul Association of Economists (IKDER) and Faculty of Economics, Istanbul University (Turkiye) will take place between 10-12 October 2011 at Istanbul Topkapi Eresin Hotel with participation of scholars and researchers from different countries. As IKDER and Faculty of Economics, we are pleased to invite you to join the 3rd International Summit of Istanbul Economists which has a theme titled "Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development" to discuss current issues in a scientific environment. About 40 years ago, a process of transformation and change has begun on a global scale in all areas of social life including the economy. In the new era, entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of national economies has a vital importance in achieving adaptation to the global economy and derivation of competitiveness and socio-economic development. In the post-globalized world, roles of entrepreneurship, SMEs, technological development and innovation in international economic competition and socio-economic development have become a noteworthy issue by internationalization of the economies and markets firstly in developed countries and then developing and least developed countries. Today, policies to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation and to remove barriers to them are increasingly applied. Hence, the importance of the subject requires special attention. The Summit aims to provide a scientific basis to discuss issues such as “Globalization and the New Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Knowledge Economy and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness, New Approaches in Entrepreneurship, Trends and Research in Entrepreneurship, the Role of Entrepreneurship in the Struggle against Poverty, Economic Crisis and Entrepreneurship, E-Entrepreneurship, and other related topics.” The Summit targets to bring together scholars and researchers in the fields of economics and management, policy makers, and business professionals from different countries. 3rd International Summit of Istanbul Economists will be held in Istanbul which is a historical city combining Europe and Asia. Istanbul is known as a cradle for different cultures and civilizations. Owing to those characteristics, Istanbul has been awarded as European Capital of Culture 2010. The official languages of the Summit are Turkish and English. There will be a translation service between two languages. Interested colleagues should submit an online ABSTRACT of less than 250 words of text summarizing the proposed presentation by 19th August, 2011. Papers must be written between 8 – 15 pages (including bibliography and footnotes). All presenters are expected to register online and pay their registration & accommodation fees by 23th September, 2011. As the Executive Board of the Summit, we are requesting proposals for presentations on given titles from the respected participants. Submissions will be judged on relevance to conference themes, clarity of thought, fit in conference program and other criteria. We invite proposals for two types of presentations: 1. Oral Presentations (15-20 minute formal presentations and slides) 2. Poster Presentations (Informal presentations) On the last day of the Summit, one of the papers will be awarded as Best Paper. A committee of reviewers will carefully read and choose the best paper of the Summit from the pool of papers submitted to the Summit. Previously published articles, papers, book chapters, etc. are not eligible for the Summit and the competition. We would also like to announce publication opportunities for qualified papers presented at the 3rd International Summit of Istanbul Economists. Qualified papers will be published in the International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI), and International Journal of Social Inquiry (IJSI). For more detail on online registration, abstract submission, accommodation, summit veneu, registration fee, please see the Summit website: http://www.ikder.org/zirve/default.asp, or e-mail: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] Important Dates: Summit Dates: 10-12 October 2011. Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 19 August 2011 Announcement of Accepted Abstracts: 26 August 2011 Deadline for Submission of Full Papers: 16 September 2011 Deadline for Registration & Payment of Summit Fees: 23 September 2011 Announcement of Accepted Papers: 30 September 2011 We look forward to seeing you at the Summit. Yours Sincerely, Summit Executive Board Chair: Prof. Dr. Süleyman ÖZDEMİR Istanbul University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyhun DOĞAN Istanbul University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süphan NASIR Istanbul University Assist. Prof. Dr. Selman YILMAZ Istanbul University ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.