what about fast walking in the early morning, i would be interested in joining a walking group if any exists,
best regards,
jean-marie codron

Le 19/06/11 00:23, Ram Mudambi a écrit :
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
The AIB Running Club (AIB-RC) is an informal network within AIB that meets for morning runs at the conference.  We have had successful outings every morning during AIB - Milan (2008), AIB - San Diego (2009), AIB - Rio (2010).  We look forward to running with you at AIB - Nagoya in 2011.  We run 5 to 10 km, out and back, so those who want to run less can retrace their steps.  The pace is moderate, about 5:30 to 5:45 minutes per km (about 9 minutes per mile).  It can start a bit slower and speed up a bit on the way back.  Past runs successfully integrated a wide range of abilities from former Olympians to casual weekend joggers.  Faster runners often start with us and sprint ahead.  The most junior scholars - PhD students and asst professors - are usually the fastest runners!  

WHERE: Lobby, Hilton Nagoya, 3-3, Sakae 1-chome, Naka-ku


DATES: Sunday June 26, Monday June 27 (optional) and Tuesday June 28.

Please email me if you have any questions or suggestions.

I am especially keen to hear from anyone who has local knowledge of running in Nagoya.

Ram Mudambi, Convenor, AIB-RC
Ram Mudambi
Professor and Perelman Senior Research Fellow
Dept of Strategic Management
Fox School of Business
Temple University
Philadelphia PA 19122, USA
Associate Editor, Global Strategy Journal

Ram Mudambi
Professor and Perelman Senior Research Fellow
Dept of Strategic Management
Fox School of Business
Temple University
Philadelphia PA 19122, USA
Associate Editor, Global Strategy Journal
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