



Ashridge International Research conference

“The Sustainability Challenge: Organisational Change and Transformational Vision”

10-12 June 2011



Dear Colleague


This is to remind you that the Early Bird fee period for the Ashridge International Research conference with the subject “The Sustainability Challenge: Organisational Change and Transformational Vision” will end on May 15th, hence at the end of this week. So you still have time to book at the substantially reduced fee.


The conference will take place June 10-12 2011 at Ashridge, Berkhamsted [near London], UK, with its 18th Century Mansion House, spectacular park and surroundings and executive accommodation.

For conference bookings go to or contact Eileen Mullins on [log in to unmask]


All information, Outline Conference programme with three Special Sessions with Experts and Keynote Speakers, Registration Form with Early Bird fee, Link to Special Issues of three peer reviewed journals, can be found at, or below.




“The Sustainability Challenge: Organisational Change and Transformational Vision”

10-12 June 2011 2pm-2pm


A multidisciplinary international conference aimed at scholars, executive leaders and policy makers

working in the areas of  international business and marketing, organisational behaviour, strategy,

education, public affairs, economics, management and leadership.

The conference focuses on a change of mindset and on implementation of the long term

sustainability agenda and is linked to Special Issues of

·          The Journal of Organisational Change Management []

·          The Journal of Public Affairs []

·          The Journal of Management Development [www.ashridge/ ]



The submission deadline for papers for the Special Issues of these journals is in the autumn 2011. See the relevant websites above for the Calls for Papers and further details. Do take advantage of the opportunity for dialogue among colleagues well before the submission deadlines for the individual journal special issues by attending AIRC2 between 10 and 12 June 2011.


Outline conference programme:


Friday 10 June

14.00 – 14.15 Conference Opening Carla Millar / Matthew Gitsham

14.15 – 15.30  Experts’ panel

                Friday 10 June, 14.15-15.30

Experts’ Panel: “Redesigning Business for Long term Sustainability”

An international panel of experts will introduce and discuss issues around the conference theme

• Graham Floater, Director, The Climate Centre. Formerly Deputy Director and Senior Advisor to the

No.10 Offi ce of Climate Change

• André van Heemstra, Chairman, Steering Group Netherlands Network UN Global Compact and Vice

Chair, Supervisory Board, EABIS, Academy of Business in Society; Formerly Member of the Board

and Personnel Director, Unilever

• Sandra McLeod, Group Chief Executive, Echo.

Chair: Professor Kai Peters, CEO Ashridge.


16.00 onwards:  Conference papers in parallel sessions


Saturday 11 June:

09.00 – 16.00 Conference papers in parallel sessions

16.30 – 18.00 Dean’s Forum

                Saturday 11 June, 16.30 – 18.00

Dean’s Forum: “Redesigning Business Schools for Long Term Sustainability”

• Professor Phil Harris, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning and

Westminster Chair of Marketing and Public Affairs, University of Chester; Editor, Journal of Public


• Professor John Mahon, John M. Murphy Chair of International Business Policy and Strategy and

Professor of Management, University of Maine; Formerly Dean, College of Business, Public Policy

and Health, University of Maine

• Professor Mette Morsing, Sustainability Director, Copenhagen Business School

Chair: Professor Kai Peters, Dean and CEO Ashridge


19.00 – 21.00 Conference Dinner


Sunday 12 June

09.30 – 12.30 Keynote Addresses and Interactive Forum Discussion

                Sunday 12 June, 9.30 – 12.30

Keynote Addresses and Forum Discussion: “Transformational Vision and

Sustainability-driven Change”

• The leadership dimension:  Philip Sadler, Senior Fellow with the think tank Tomorrow’s Company;

Vice President and former CEO, Ashridge, and author of ’Sustainable Growth in a Post-Scarcity


• The organisational change management dimension: David Ballard, Director, Alexander Ballard Ltd.

• The management development dimension: Dr Gill Coleman Co-Director of the Ashidge MSc in

Sustainability and Responsibility and Director of the Ashridge Centre for Action Research

• The public policy dimension: Professor Nicholas Robinson, University Professor on the Environment

and Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law, Pace University

• The strategy and influencing dimension: Professor John F. Mahon, John M. Murphy Chair of

International Business Policy and Strategy and Professor of Management, University of Maine

Chair: Philip Sadler.


12.30 – 13.00 Concluding Keynote Address by Matthew Gitsham

13.00 – 13.15 Journal SIs and Closing of Conference by Carla Millar



Conference papers

Conference papers in parallel sessions focused on how to answer the Sustainability Challenge

agenda will cover e.g.:

  1. transformational vision:
    1. role of the Board and duties of directors
    2. risks and governance
    3. identity
    4. reporting and CSR
    5. types of leadership and achievement
    6. conceptual frameworks
    7. social enterprises
    8. public policy
  2. organisational change
    1. drivers / principles / models
    2. values and readiness to change
    3. change enablers / planned vs emergent approaches
    4. theory vs practice of organisational change
    5. efficiency
    6. diffusion / employee engagement
  3. education and learning, and the role of Business Schools



Administrative details

The Ashridge International Research Conference will be held  from 10-12 June 2011 2pm-2pm at Ashridge Business School, Berkhamsted, an 18th Century mansion within its own grounds,

extensive buildings and executive facilities in the English countryside, 40 minutes from London, UK, by road or rail.

The conference fee is a very competitively priced all-in fee, and covers attendance at the conference, accommodation in executive suites, all meals and refreshments during the

Friday-Sunday 48 hour conference period, and the conference proceedings on CD ROM.

Travel costs are not included.; Please enquire for non-residential fees


Early bird fees to 15 May 2011

Standard: £594

PhD/Master students: £480

Fees from 16 May 2011

Standard: £660

PhD/Master students: £522


For conference registration, arrangements for transport to/from airport or station, or any further information please go to

onference fees

The Ashridge International Research Conference represents an opportunity for stimulating multi-disciplinary conversations academically as well as across the institutions of the academic, the business and the policy world. We encourage researchers and executives from academe, the corporate world, the public sector and the third sector to consider discussing their research, and come and participate in the conference.



For conference bookings go to or

contact Eileen Mullins on [log in to unmask]




Carla Millar and Matthew Gitsham, Conference Chairs




Hertfordshire HP4 1NS

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1442 843491

Fax: +44 (0)1442 841209




Prof. dr. Carla C.J.M. Millar

Professor, International Marketing & Management

University of Twente

School of Management & Governance

PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede

The Netherlands

0031 53 489 5355

0031 33 462 7343

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Fellow, Ashridge

Berkhamsted, Herts, UK

0044 1442 84 1175

0044 20 7402 4700

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