

Dear Colleague,

You are invited to submit a paper for the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD) Conference to be held in Budapest, Hungary on the 16-19 July 2012. The due date for the submission of papers is the 4th November 2011(see the Call for Papers below). You can register and attend the Conference, even if you choose not to present a paper.


Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun, PhD (Monash)



Academy of World Business, Marketing and

Management Development Conference


16-19th July, 2012

Budapest, Hungary.







Manuscripts for the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development refereed conference are invited in terms of competitive papers, case studies, research in progress, special sessions and doctoral research papers in any of the track areas listed below.  For detailed information about the conference and track chairs please visit:  or contact the Executive Conference Director and Program Chair: Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun. Email: [log in to unmask]  


The best competitive papers at AWBMMD conferences will be considered for possible publications in any of the following refereed journals: Journal of Management and World Business Research ISSN1449 3179;  and Journal of International Marketing and Exporting ISSN 1324-5864. There is  a “Best Paper” Award.  Conference participants also have a chance to win a free iPad; ‘nookcolor’ eReader, etc through random drawing of names during the conference.




Track 1: Agribusiness Management/Agrimarketing

Track 2: Business and Psychology

Track 3: Business and Management Development in Transitional Economies

Track 4: Consumer Behaviour

Track 5: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Africa

Track 6: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Australia and New Zealand

Track 7: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Asia

Track 8: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in the Middle East

Track 9: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Europe

Track 10: Caribbean and African Entrepreneurship

Track 11: Counselling – The Management and Marketing of Counselling Centres & Services

Track 12: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in North America

Track 13: Business and Sociology

Track 14: Business and Management in Aviation Industry

Track 15: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Track 16: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

Track 17: Environmental Management and Environmental Marketing Issues

Track 18: Education – The Management of Education and Training

Track 19: Foreign Direct Investments

Track 20: Finance and Accounting, Taxation, International Finance and Banking

Track 21: Globalization, International Management Culture

Track 22: Health Care Marketing and Management

Track 23: Human Resource Management and Occupational Health and Safety

Track 24: Industrial Marketing/Business-to-Business Marketing

Track 25: International Trade and International Business in Emerging Economies

Track 26: Information Systems, E-Commerce and E-Marketing

Track 27: International Marketing and Exporting

Track 28: Marketing Management

Track 29: Not-for-Profit Research

Track 30: Organizational Behaviour

Track 31: Promotion Strategy and Marketing Education

Track 32: Pubic Administration

Track 33: Strategic Management and Planning

Track 34: Strategic Marketing and Planning

Track 35: Services Marketing and Relationship Marketing

Track 36: Technology/Research and Development

Track 37: Tourism and Hospitality Management

Track 38: Women in Leadership and Management

Track 39: Special Session – Health Informatics

Track 40: Special Session - Knowledge Management

Track 41: Special Sessions- Business Communications

Track 42: Special Sessions – Doctoral Research Papers


PRIZES AND AWARD: As stated above, participants who register and present their papers at the conference as well as attend the conference dinner have a chance to win a free iPad; ‘nookcolor’ eReader, etc through random drawing of names. There is also a “Best Paper” Award.


Thank you.


Yours sincerely,




Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun, PhD (Monash)

President and Conference Executive Director

Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference

Editor-Journal of International Marketing and Exporting

Editor, Journal of Management and World Business Research

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