Placement Service Announcement, AIB 2011 Conference, Nagoya, Japan There is just a little over a month left until the AIB 2011 Conference in Japan! Send your position announcements and resumes to us, the sooner the better. The sooner we get them, the more exposure you will get with potential applicants or recruiters. Remember, this is a free service for position applicants and institutions with open positions who will be at AIB 2011. The Academy of International Business Placement Service will be available at the 2011 AIB Annual Conference in Nagoya, Japan - June 26-June 28, 2011 Under the supervision of Dr. Hadi Alhorr, Yung-hwal Park and Carri Tolmie from Saint Louis University will be coordinating the placement services for both applicants and schools. All one page postings and C.V.s should be sent via email to [log in to unmask] If you are a job applicant or a School / College with an open position that you would like to advertise, please visit the Placement Services home page at: There you will find detailed instructions on how and where to submit your information in a ONE-PAGE format. If you have any questions please e-mail them to: [log in to unmask] Looking forward to seeing you in Nagoya! Dr. Hadi Alhorr Yung-hwal Park Carri Tolmie -- AIB Placement Services Sponsored by Boeing Institute for International Business John Cook School of Business Saint Louis University AIB Annual Meeting Nagoya Japan June 24 - 28, 2010 [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.