

New Horizons in International Business series

Series editor: Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds (CIBUL), UK


The New Horizons in International Business series has established itself over almost 20 years as the world’s leading forum for the presentation of new ideas in international business research. It offers pre-eminent contributions in the areas of multinational enterprise – including foreign direct investment, business strategy and corporate alliances, global competitive strategies, and entrepreneurship. In short, the series constitutes essential reading for academics, business strategists and policymakers alike.


This highly successful series includes 3-4 cutting edge research contributions each year. Rigorous selection and review processes ensure that the series is a benchmark for scholarly and editorial excellence.


Proposals are invited from scholars working on topics which fall within the scope of the series 

In the first instance contact the Commissioning Editor, Ben Booth ([log in to unmask])


With over 75 titles published, past contributors to the series have included:

                Paul Beamish                     Thomas Brewer

                Mark Casson                      John Cantwell

                John Dunning                    Lorraine Eden

                Klaus Meyer                       Lilach Nachum

                Terutomo Ozawa             Alan Rugman

                Stephen Young


Recent and forthcoming highlights include:


Enhancing Global Competitiveness through Sustainable Environmental Stewardship
Edited by Subhash C. Jain, University of Connecticut, US and Graduate School
of Business, Zurich, Switzerland and Ben L. Kedia, University of Memphis, US


Managing the Contemporary Multinational: The Role of Headquarters
Edited by Ulf Andersson, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and Ulf Holm, Uppsala University, Sweden


The Rise of Asia
The ‘Flying-Geese’ Theory of Tandem Growth and Regional Agglomeration
Terutomo Ozawa, Colorado State University and Columbia Business School, US


The Determinants of Chinese Outward Direct Investment
Hinrich Voss, University of Leeds, UK


China and the Multinationals: International Business and the Entry of China into the Global Economy
Edited by Robert Pearce, University of Reading, UK



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