Title: Energetic Variational Approaches in the Modeling of Ionic Solutions and Ion Channels

Speaker:  Chun Liu Pennsylvania University



Ion channels are key components in a wide variety of biological processes.

The selectivity of ion channels is the key to many biological process.

We try to study these selectivity mechanisms in ion channels by developing reduced models, taking into consideration of dielectric coefficient and ion particle sizes, as well as their very different, however primary, structures and properties.

These self-organized systems will be modeled and analyzed with energetic variational approaches (EnVarA) that  were motivated by classical works of Rayleigh and Onsager.

The resulting/derived multiphysics-multiscale systems  automatically satisfy the Second Laws of Thermodynamics  and the basic physics that are involved in the system.

In this talk, I will discuss  some of the related issues we had encountered in these projects.





Keith Promislow

Dept. of Mathematics

Michigan State University





Shawna Prater / Secretary

Astrophysics Group

Michigan State University

3261 Biomedical Physical Sciences Bldg

East Lansing, MI 48824-2320

Ph: (517) 884-5601 Fax (517) 432-8802

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