If you have not  YET registered for the Organic Reporting Session there is still room.   Please join me for what looks to be a great day!


Overview of the Event:

The day offers an overview of Organic Research at MSU and 5 short presentations from MSU researchers sharing their results, as it applies to organic farming: Topics include Managing soil quality, experiences from a 12 year  field crop studies at KBS, Vermicomposting, Managing Soil quality in blueberries, Organic tomato and pumpkin production, Soybean varieties for organic systems.


Farmers Panel on Soil Quality:

To top this off we have a panel of experienced organic farmers sharing their approaches to building their soil in; blueberries, field crops and mixed vegetable production.  John VanVorhees, Ivan Morley and Laurie and Lee Arboreal will share their approaches to managing nutrients while building soil quality. This will be an incredible chance to hear from these advanced farmers, each with individual approaches to build their soil while harvesting high quality crops.

We have 8 of our graduate students presenting their work as a poster. You will be offered the chance to visit them at their poster and gain new insights in organic agriculture. Visit with them and others as you enjoy the reception with snacks.


To register here is the information:


Visit this site to register: http://web2.canr.msu.edu/ mottgroup/.


When: March 4, 2011, from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Where: Kellogg Conference Center, 55 South Harrison St, East Lansing, MI Phone in the Riverside Room (follow Organic Reporting Signs)  Phone for Center is 517-432-4000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              517-432-4000      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Why: Farmers, researchers and educators are invited to attend to hear researchers report on their organic production, marketing and management. Visit with graduate students to discuss their posters. Enjoy experienced organic farmers discussions on their soil management systems.

Topics will include:

·         Update of MSU’s Organic Research

·         Field crop variety selection for organic systems

·         Soil building

·         Vegetable and fruit production systems

·         Soil quality

The afternoon will give all who attend an opportunity to exchange information about organic agriculture. The presentations will be 12 minutes each plus 2 minutes for questions, followed by a panel of 3 farmers -field crops, fruit and vegetables each addressing how they have built their soil for their farm over the years. A reception with light refreshments will follow, where graduate students will present their research posters.

How:  Register On-line at http://web2.canr.msu.edu/ mottgroup/. Cost: $15.00/per person, with a special rate of $10.00 for students and farmers.  To pay by check register by calling Vicki Morrone 517-353-3542 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting. If you leave a message include your name, number attending and phone number.




Vicki Morrone

C. S. Mott Group for Sustainable Food Systems

Outreach Specialist for Organic Vegetable and Field Crops

303 Natural Resources

East Lansing, MI 48824

517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell)

517-353-3834 (Fax)




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