

I think that is a great idea.  I am SW of Chicago.  I noticed Mike Phillips has also said yes, so I don't know if you wnat 2 schools in IL.  If so, sign me up!
David H. Voorhees
Associate Professor of Earth Science and Geology
Waubonsee Community College
Rt 47 @ Waubonsee Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
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>>> "Dawes, Ralph" <[log in to unmask]> 3/1/2011 10:28 AM >>>
For an assignment aimed at expanding global awareness of geology and
people, I am looking for a class or two outside north central Washington
State (where I am) from which I could have my students contact
individual students, and ask some geology related questions of them.

These would be your students. I am asking for your help setting this up,
a couple of you who would be OK with asking your students if they would
mind being contacted, and then getting me the contact information.
(Email addresses would be easiest, I think, at least to make initial

This could be fun, and educational for your students, too.

My class is 23 students in a Geology 101, Introduction to Physical
Geology, at a small community college in central Washington state. Your
students need not be in the equivalent class; they could be anywhere in
grades 6-16. It would make sense that your students, like mine, be in a
geology or earth science class, which this exchange of information would

Thank you!


Dr. Ralph Dawes 
Earth Sciences
Wenatchee Valley College 
1300 Fifth Street 
Wenatchee, WA 98801 
(509) 682-6754 
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